All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Hotfix [4.1.4] 2024-08-19
- Fixed bugfix: multiple prices calculation
- Fixed bugfix: multiple option without value exception
- Fixed fix: no-production cdn url of product json
Hotfix [4.1.3] 2024-08-13
- Fixed fix: admin in examples
- Fixed fix: examples store admin mode
- Fixed bugfix: useAppBridge condition & isAdmin definition
Hotfix [4.1.2] 2024-08-12
- Fixed remove sales channels param, it will be added by default
Hotfix [4.1.1] 2024-08-08
- Revert: fix sticky preview shrinking
Release [4.1.0] 2024-08-08
- Added add full fledged security
- Added add ability to add printable area to different views
- Added add new event CPB_ON_KONVA_RENDER
- Added add methods to FrontendApi to change view
- Added add instruction for bucket
- Added add alert when switching add-to-cart mode from pre-generation
- Added add loader to konva
- Added add printableArea new input
- Added printableArea adaptive
- Added adaptive printableArea form and start adaptive preview elements
- Added printableArea list redesign
- Fixed fix mobile options under preview
- Fixed remove cpb headers from shopify api req
- Fixed change requests structure, add global request functions
- Fixed fix headers block
- Fixed fix app user vulnerabilities, add tokens to requests
- Fixed feat: select image thumbnail
- Fixed fix app user vulnerabilities, add tokens to requests
- Fixed fix sticky preview shrinking
- Fixed fix colorPicker and new text element position
- Fixed fixes for printable area redesign
- Fixed fixes for printable area redesign
- Fixed update default values
- Fixed fix checkbox label
- Fixed hide duplicated functionalityb in cart properties
- Fixed hide duplicated functionality hide base image
- Fixed hide duplicated functionality hide title
- Fixed bugfix: styled component synthax
- Fixed fix price formula variables edit
- Fixed fix configId engravingForWholesale same text on all bug
- Fixed fix endless loading with pdf format
- Fixed bugfix: clearing rules for font and wholesale
- Fixed fix pdf output format
- Fixed fix empty step line in logic settings
- Fixed fix engraving additional fields
- Fixed hide warnings logs from prod
- Fixed fix font family default font
- Fixed fix configId upload field properties
- Fixed bugfix: searchable param for category
- Fixed fix sticky preview for alpine-white 1,2
- Fixed bugfix: productsLoader state status
- Fixed fix sticky preview
- Fixed fix agreement checkbox logic
- Fixed fix alpine white 2 canvas reduction
- Fixed fix: Routing initialized param & Global isLoaded
- Fixed fix aloha/alpine white arrows and alpine white 1 options under canvas
- Fixed fix: inventory logic sequence and conditions
- Fixed bugfix: load inventory levels when args are ready
- Fixed bugfix: option availability by quantityMultiplier
- Fixed fix calculate button and date time picker styles
- Fixed bugfix: checkInventory request optimization & variant ids comparison
- Fixed fix preview container styles for alpine white
- Fixed effort to fix: styled component red screen
- Fixed fix product redscreen with canvas style
- Fixed bugfix: add to cart by quantityMultiplier
- Fixed fix editing wholesale order and qty input choices red screen
- Fixed fix add slashes
- Fixed fix empty line in layers logic
- Fixed optimization improvement
- Fixed optimization improvement
- Fixed optimization of the solution
- Fixed increas time to clear interval in inputHtml
- Fixed bugfix: productId param redirect path
- Fixed fix inactive categories icons style
- Fixed fix custom option icons blicking
- Fixed fix: pathname check
- Fixed hide CKEditor error
- Fixed bugfix: product navigation by productId param
- Fixed update product list after creating product
- Fixed fix PaText import
- Fixed fix image layer radio buttons deselect
- Fixed fix area font value and clean code
- Fixed fix: clear browser conditions
- Fixed bugfix: weight fix only for edge browser
- Fixed bugfix: temporary lyout fix for not safari browsers
- Fixed fix dropdown tooltip with 0 price
- Fixed fix broken layout from shopify temporarily
- Fixed bugfix: add weight unit to properties
Inventory Release [1.5.0] 2024-08-08
- Added fix add inventory prefix
- Added dotenv and update CD
- Fixed shopify secret keys, update files and paths
- Fixed dotenv config
Hotfix [4.0.3] 2024-08-02
- Fixed bugfix: productsLoader state status
- Fixed product redscreen with canvas style
- Fixed sticky preview for alpine-white 1,2
- Fixed sticky preview
Hotfix [4.0.2] 2024-07-12
- Fixed fix alpine white 2 canvas reduction
- Fixed fix aloha/alpine white arrows and alpine white 1 options under canvas
- Fixed fix: Routing initialized param & Global isLoaded
- Fixed fix: inventory logic sequence and conditions
- Fixed bugfix: load inventory levels when args are ready
- Fixed bugfix: option availability by quantityMultiplier
- Fixed bugfix: add to cart by quantityMultiplier
- Fixed fix calculate button and date time picker styles
- Fixed bugfix: checkInventory request optimization & variant ids comparison
- Fixed fix add slashes
- Fixed add instruction for bucket
Hotfix [4.0.1] 2024-07-10
- Fixed preview container styles for alpine white
- Fixed effort to fix: styled component red screen
- Fixed editing wholesale order and qty input choices red screen
- Fixed custom fonts error with initialize
Release [4.0.0] 2024-08-07
- Added add image parallel uploading template
- Added add expiration time to hmac verification, add verification data to routes, deep linked shopify routes, save hmac params from shopify to improve security
- Added add test to printable-area-controls
- Added add run scripts, add suspence
- Added add pdf output format
- Added fix: add cpb-cr-token header
- Added add ability to choose output image format (png, jpeg)
- Added add webpack optimization, fix test
- Added add full-fledged shopify fullscreen
- Added add 300 dpi convertion for result canvas images
- Added add webp format settings
- Added add full-fledged routing with localhost
- Added add stric types
- Added new interface fixes, setup css modules with jest, add transform classes, add tests
- Added add Left Nav Panel, fixes
- Added make products work with routes and main container refactoring
- Added app container refactoring, change routing and routes fixes
- Added app container refactoring, correct routing to localhost
- Added app container refactoring
- Added setup all routing params except product, fixes
- Added set routes, add new router settings, add tests, add and fix components
- Added add features, tests, components, new technologies
- Added add features, email form, setup ts eslint
- Added complete main page three main block
- Added complete cards, set up features
- Added setup project for developing components, make architecture
- Added add layouts
- Added add writing typescript test files
- Added add router with localhost, begin to make typescript tests and settings, add scss modules
- Added add scss modules, fix test, add routes, other fixes
- Fixed optimization improvement
- Fixed optimization of the solution
- Fixed increas time to clear interval in inputHtml
- Fixed hide CKEditor error
- Fixed bugfix: productId param redirect path
- Fixed fix: pathname check
- Fixed bugfix: product navigation by productId param
- Fixed fix custom option icons blicking
- Fixed fix inactive categories icons style
- Fixed update product list after creating product
- Fixed fix: preview swiper-container overflow hidden
- Fixed refactoring: delete getProductInventoryByVariantId
- Fixed feat: error handling for SKUs update
- Fixed refactoring: tests
- Fixed fix test
- Fixed fix product list red screen, fix stage march routing, add test
- Fixed fix bug when options are not clickable
- Fixed fix: update product variants by SKUs
- Fixed fix engraving + configID when one of the field is hidden by logic
- Fixed feat: popup warning for update SKUs button
- Fixed feat: update product SKUs by inventory product variant id
- Fixed fix logic and choice buttons styles
- Fixed add test to optionsTable
- Fixed fix custom option redscreen
- Fixed delete label from tooltips template
- Fixed fix incorrect value in qty input category editor
- Fixed bugfix: pathname on new product submit
- Fixed add test for ph_calculatePrice
- Fixed fix isQtyInFormula
- Fixed fix printable text bug
- Fixed fix vertical swiper styles
- Fixed fix engraving + configID issue
- Fixed feat: add cpb-token header for updateGlobalConfig
- Fixed feat: cpb-token header for incognito requests
- Fixed fix button and slider styles
- Fixed add tests to outputImageFormat and getImageSrcWithNewFormat
- Fixed bugfix: invoke syntax for sendReport
- Fixed test: PreviewControls component
- Fixed change get support link
- Fixed complete webpack 5 optimization
- Fixed migration to webpack 5
- Fixed feat: devPass header for deleteShopProduct and deleteProductListWithFilter
- Fixed fix: CalculateFields test
- Fixed fix falied test with app bridge, add search product bar
- Fixed fix engraving rerender
- Fixed new interface fixes and additions
- Fixed deleting printable elements with areas
- Fixed revert: useAdmin hook refactor
- Fixed refactoring: useAdmin hook
- Fixed fix swiper on Layouts
- Fixed change copy image way
- Fixed add cp images command
- Fixed fix app bridge in local
- Fixed fix printable area red screen and printable elements issue
- Fixed add -r flag
- Fixed update dockerfile
- Fixed fix webpack images, try 1
- Fixed fix printable area red screen issue
- Fixed feat: cpb-dev-pass req header to change product
- Fixed fix tests
- Fixed fix use admin app bridge with localhost
- Fixed fix useAdmin custom hook
- Fixed fix: replace useDispatch with dispatch
- Fixed fix: revert utils dispatch hook
- Fixed feat: add isDevPasswordCorrect to store & fix hooks dispatch
- Fixed fix: IS_LOCAL for routes
- Fixed fix: temporary remove IS_LOCAL from webpack
- Fixed fix: add IS_LOCAL to webpack
- Fixed fix: redux devtools access by DEV_MODE
- Fixed feat: checking the validity of DEV_PASS
- Fixed fix global settings icon
- Fixed fix variable for localhost check
- Fixed fix variable for localhost check
- Fixed fix local start problems
- Fixed fix local start problems
- Fixed fix global settings update
- Fixed fix header panel on mobile
- Fixed fix icons hover
- Fixed test: CalculateFields component
- Fixed add debug
- Fixed fix localhost routing for other stores, add images debug
- Fixed fix visual problems, memoize products
- Fixed complete the 1st stage of interface v4, adaptive, tests, bugs
- Fixed fix bug with incorrect values in additional engraving inputs
- Fixed add border to canvas
- Fixed fix aloha theme customizer bugs
- Fixed refactoring, optimization
- Fixed optimizations, refactoring add builder container
- Fixed fix optimization bugs
- Fixed app container lifecycle optimization
- Fixed next optimizations
- Fixed fix migration bugs and problems, fix visual bugs
- Fixed fixes: routes, container problems etc
- Fixed fixes
- Fixed fix old project styles with modules, fix pod styles
- Fixed fixes for react 18, fix tests, npm packages.
- Fixed setup routes, setup jest with ts, add app bridge and getting api key from backend, other changes
- Fixed fix new node tests, fix npm config, add typescript, add react routed, configuration
Hotfix [3.32.2] 2024-06-10
- Fixed add test for ph_calculatePrice
- Fixed isQtyInFormula
Release [3.32.0] 2024-06-05
- Added add info that compare price data is in percentage
- Added add tests for compare price
- Added optimize getting payment info
- Added add compare price
- Added add error on date category for tests
- Added add ability to download images
- Added add new format to file upload
- Fixed improvement: quantity input
- Fixed fix selectTab
- Fixed feat: quantity variable for price formula
- Fixed fix scroll position after closing counter modal
- Fixed fix bug withs steps deselecting
- Fixed fix bug with counter mobile modal
- Fixed fix edit choice modal
- Fixed bugfix: is category required check
- Fixed fix views names in the option settings
- Fixed add useMemo for comparePriceDisplay
- Fixed improvement: bg currentView compliance
- Fixed bugfix: preview measurement by preview-wrapper
- Fixed bugfix: check clearing rules not for only default choices
- Fixed bugfix: check clearing rules not for only default choices
- Fixed bugfix: elements padding fix for alpine-white-2
- Fixed fix: remove transform for preview
- Fixed improvement: fix render condition
- Fixed improvement: render upload by view preview condition
- Fixed fix auto fill choices bug
- Fixed tests: formula-calculator
- Fixed bugfix: is option image in layers preview condition
- Fixed fix add to cart issue with installed app Poptin
- Fixed bugfix: formula-calculator multiple price
- Fixed fix qtyBreakdown
- Fixed fix qtyBreakdown with quantity box
- Fixed fix markets 1 value bug
- Fixed bugfix: add condition for doCustomOptionsHaveActiveImage
- Fixed bugfix: layout fix
- Fixed bugfix: QtyOption source connect label name
- Fixed bugfix: tooltip for OptionsSelect
- Fixed bugfix: delete log
- Fixed bugfix: qtyBreakdown cleared rules
- Fixed remove testing error
- Fixed bugfix: refactoring
Hotfix [3.31.1] 2024-04-22
- Fixed bug: elements padding fix for alpine-white-2
- Fixed: remove transform for preview
- Fixed improvement: fix render condition
- Fixed improvement: render upload by view preview condition
- Fixed bug: is option image in layers preview condition
Release [3.31.0] 2024-04-15
- Added new format to file upload
- Added interface update: icon styles
- Added interface update: image source fix
- Added interface update: improvements
- Added test to input custom font
- Added redirect to cart with subfolder
- Added open cropping area functional for test
- Added interface update: new layer notification
- Added new upload format and test to file upload
- Added interface update: image & image area (22-31)
- Added tests to rounding up
- Added interface update: layers text inputs (18-21)
- Added ability to round price to 0,00
- Added interface update fix: tab icons host path
- Added interface update fix: tab icons
- Added test to getOptions
- Added interface update fix: layers tabs import icons
- Added interface update: layers tabs (13-17)
- Added test to checkbox component
- Added interface update: editorTitle & menuBackButton
- Added change sentry dns to glitchtip
- Added interface update: scrollUpButton & fixed scroll on addNewLayer in LayerList
- Added interface update: supportToolbar (8)
- Added interface update: adminAside (7)
- Added fix interface update: shopifyMenu (6)
- Added interface update: preview (1-4) & shopifyMenu (5-6)
- Added matomo script
- Added priceFraction to rounding up
- Added launcher
- Fixed qtyBreakdown
- Fixed qtyBreakdown with quantity box
- Fixed bugfix: add condition for doCustomOptionsHaveActiveImage
- Fixed bugfix: refactoring
- Fixed bugfix: imageUpload render conditions
- Fixed custom font label for template category
- Fixed interface refactoring: save button color
- Fixed bugfix: delete agreementCheckboxValue changes
- Fixed renamed font label
- Fixed refactor & inputSelectIcon test
- Fixed rename custom font
- Fixed hide cropping area
- Fixed update test for input-custom-font
- Fixed bugfix: only choice select
- Fixed interface bugfix: layers source link
- Fixed bugfix: required options
- Fixed redirect with subfolder
- Fixed add ability to rename uploaded font filename
- Fixed revert: preview-container position
- Fixed bugfix: revert aloha mobile fixes, add preview sticky max-height
- Fixed bugfix: qtyBreakdown
- Fixed bugfix: require selecting - printable area
- Fixed revert: preview position
- Fixed file upload styl
- Fixed improvements: preview and layers scroll, tabs position
- Fixed remove rounding in tooltips
- Fixed update useMemo and test warning
- Fixed bugfix: checking cleared params from default options
- Fixed impovement: hide background for rendering process
- Fixed aloha-mobile bugfix: preview position & panels padding
- Fixed bugfix: aspect ratio
- Fixed bugfix: initial height implementation changes
- Fixed wholesale order create layer
- Fixed bugfix: rotation buttons functionality fix
- Fixed bugfix: aloha mobile preview position (initial height)
- Fixed multiple checkbox spam layers
- Fixed interface bugfix: preview container position
- Fixed bugfix: reset: rotation buttons
- Fixed text color select on printable-area
- Fixed bugfix: rotation buttons visibility
- Fixed bugfix: ImageControls visibility
- Fixed scrollUpButton improvement
- Fixed change file upload styles in alpine white like in aloha
- Fixed e2e test to removing input field data correctly
- Fixed upload file style in alpine white
- Fixed bugfix: optionsTextMultiple input value updates
- Fixed error text position
- Fixed add productId to report
- Fixed configId bug
- Fixed calculation price rounding after adjustment price
- Revert "* Fixed quantity from custom option in configId"
- Fixed markets rounding up
- Fixed test configId fix
- Fixed qtyBreakdown bug
Hotfix [3.30.3] 2024-02-28
- fixed configId bug
Hotfix [3.30.2] 2024-02-21
- Fixed calculation price rounding after adjustment price
Hotfix [3.30.1] 2024-02-15
- Fixed priceFraction to rounding up
- Fixed markets rounding up
Inventory Release [1.5.0] 2024-02-13
- Added inventory prefix
- Added delete images copy ops
- Fixed update CI
- Fixed update node version to 18.19.0
Release [3.30.0] 2024-02-13
- Added
- Added update nodejs version to 18.19.0
- Added complete test with mocked components
- Added remove images protection temporarily
- Added make the first integration test - SKU management, bundle builder, make tests architecture
- Fixed set layer visible if it active Fixed stock quantity tooltip in categories
- Fixed node options for node 18
- Fixed tests
- Fixed enabled views in alpine white 2 Fixed enabled views
- Fixed package json scipt for new nodejs version 18.19.0
Release [3.29.0] 2023-12-29
Fixed fix getting shop on ios, upgrade tokenization in admin, fix private images
Release [3.28.0] 2023-12-15
- Added temporarily remove GTM from frontend because linked in slowsdown the app
- Added ability to enable unauth access to private images
- Added max to auto-dropdown
- Make adding new hybrid products to delivery profile
- Fixed private images checkbox texts
- Fixed builder on instagram browser
- Fixed import product with deprecated images
- Fixed issue with localStorage when app is loading
- Fixed adding layers plan access notice
- Fixed canvas text on Mac Safari
Release [3.27.0] 2023-11-17
Added prevent app plans vulnerability
Added add default values to layer settings
Added add token authorization from all front requests
Added add jwt request
Added add plans to new inventory layout, fix bugs
Added change inventory management layout, fix inventory bugs and visual problems
Added add uploading new images by folders
Added add modal to qty input for mobile devices
Added add restriction to not active subscription, add error page
Added add psd and eps formats to file upload
Added add inactive icons and modals
Added add GTM to cpb-stage
Added add react GTM events, layers on app initialize
Added add ability to remove text source
Added POD: fix styles, refactoring, optimizations, add product modal
Added Migration the app to
Added initialize test environment
Added prepare integrated and unit tests environment
Added use redux store only without useState
Added add inventory Mode Bundle feature
Added add ability to customize aloha theme
Fixed polyfill conflicts, replace method to native ES9
Fixed fix fullscreen, add opening with aggreement
Fixed fix inventory update Cache fix interface bug
Fixed remove fullscreen
Fixed fix remove http header from incorrect requests
Fixed fix adding token from the front
Fixed fix tooltip on MacOS 17
Fixed fix color picker and add other views to printable area
Fixed check element
Fixed fix printable area bugs
Fixed fix plan label
Fixed fix bug with first default choice
Fixed disable webhooks that must be unworked
Fixed fix markets table price result with decrease value
Fixed fix markets table price result with decrease value
Fixed fix and update autotest wholesale order
Fixed fix old configid links
Fixed fix quantity change number
Fixed fix Select Path layer's tab with logic
Fixed fix tag
Fixed fix polyfill conflicts, replace method to native ES9
Fixed fix live preview permission on a customizer plan
Fixed fix Mac >17v safari text fonts offset
Fixed hide multiple choice dropdown
Fixed fix issue with views names in the layers settings and step settings
Fixed fix jest extra bug
Fixed fix pod structure, design fixes, add modal layout
Fixed correct configid values old and new
Fixed fix test, any fixes
Fixed fix main menu size ratio
Fixed fix file upload icon
Fixed pod style fixes
Fixed fix adding wholesale order hidden qtys to the cart
Release [3.26.0] 2023-09-13
Added add pod fixes and features, add vendors sort
Added rework pod cards layout, add text limits, add taking html into account
Added rework pod cards layout, add text limits, add taking html into account
Added finish Vendor Settings page
Added Add view upload progress label in bytes
Added add vendor settings, setup pages, and list of table skeleton
Added add creating app uninstalled webhook if it doesn t exist
Added POD style fixes, add layouts, add and change current features
Fixed polyfill conflicts, replace method to native ES9
Fixed correct configid values old and new
Fixed file upload icon
Fixed adding wholesale order hidden qtys to the cart
Fixed fonts offset on different browsers
Fixed file upload drop sone position style
Fixed pod design fixes, some points
Fixed file upload drop sone position style
Fixed configid problems - category helpers, calc
Fixed file upload fields
Fixed vendor settings vendor stylization, add details
Fixed Prevent user files repeated upload on add to cart
Fixed more fixes to pod products import
Fixed pod products import
Fixed upload elements on layer list
Fixed vendor table structure commit
Fixed gallery using as Printable Element
Fixed PA controls on mobile devices. Change PA controls styles for mobile devices
Fixed the option name in Enabled views
Fixed add preloadImages when displayAs has been changed
Fixed add preloadImages to componentDidUpdate
API release [2.22.0] 2023-11-17
Added app install mode, add verifying when install with any cases, fix bugs, fix ignore plan choosing
Added shipping to cpb ordered products
Added copy POD images and change links when order is fulfilled, fix bugs
Added token authorization from all front requests
Added aflexible customer checking, fix admin checking, add new tokens
Added complete private images tokenization, add jws, verify hmac, new auth etc
Added uploading new images by folders
Added removing specified orders data to GDPR webhook redact
Added test route to response image buffer same as CDN
Added parent locations to cpb_ordered product
Added recuring charge table check for calculate trial
Added customer data redact webhook debug
Added automated app to section after install, OS 2
Added GTM to plan subscription
Added hybrid variants shipping
Added Migration the app to
Added feature for batch products update to remove storage file links from generated products
Added Inventory Mode Bundle featureChanged
Fixed configs
Fixed multiple click bug with choosing plan
Fixed app bridge, fix opening fullscreen app, fix long loading
Fixed change plans page load condition
Fixed remove extra
Fixed case if the shop missing in auth function
Fixed cookie parser initialize
Fixed orders images access, fix tokens, cookies
Fixed getting images in admin
Fixed adding token to store
Fixed update uploading, getting private images
Fixed webhook errors and deliveries, other code fixes
Fixed use created_at field indead of trial_ends_on
Fixed code and refactoring
Fixed bugs
Fixed Unauthorized error after reinstall app
Fixed gettings recurring charges
Fixed delete code dublicate and fix sort
Fixed delete function call
Fixed import function
Fixed add category image
Fixed data layer douplicate
Fixed tag
Fixed check GTM for stage
Fixed customer data redact webhook debug
Fixed add new icons
Fixed the Rare plan
Fixed batch update fix
Fixed customers data vulnerability in new products
Fixed switch the default value of Personalize it
Added prevent app plans vulnerability
Added default values to layer settings
Added token authorization from all front requests
Added jwt request
Added plans to new inventory layout, fix bugs
Added change inventory management layout, fix inventory bugs and visual problems
Added uploading new images by folders
Added modal to qty input for mobile devices
Added restriction to not active subscription, add error page
Added psd and eps formats to file upload
Added inactive icons and modals
Added GTM to cpb-stage
Added react GTM events, layers on app initialize
Added ability to remove text source
Added POD: fix styles, refactoring, optimizations, add product modal
Added Migration the app to
Added initialize test environment
Added prepare integrated and unit tests environment
Added use redux store only without useState
Added inventory Mode Bundle feature
Added ability to customize aloha theme
Fixed polyfill conflicts, replace method to native ES9
Fixed fullscreen, add opening with aggreement
Fixed inventory update Cache fix interface bug
Fixed remove fullscreen
Fixed remove http header from incorrect requests
Fixed adding token from the front
Fixed tooltip on MacOS 17
Fixed color picker and add other views to printable area
Fixed check element
Fixed printable area bugs
Fixed plan label
Fixed bug with first default choice
Fixed disable webhooks that must be unworked
Fixed markets table price result with decrease value
Fixed markets table price result with decrease value
Fixed and update autotest wholesale order
Fixed old configid links
Fixed quantity change number
Fixed Select Path layer's tab with logic
Fixed tag
Fixed polyfill conflicts, replace method to native ES9
Fixed live preview permission on a customizer plan
Fixed Mac >17v safari text fonts offset
Fixed hide multiple choice dropdown
Fixed issue with views names in the layers settings and step settings
Fixed jest extra bug
Fixed pod structure, design fixes, add modal layout
Fixed correct configid values old and new
Fixed test, any fixes
Fixed main menu size ratio
Fixed file upload icon
Fixed pod style fixes
Fixed adding wholesale order hidden qtys to the cart
Release [3.25.0] 2023-07-25
Added add new pod styles
Added new event CPB_ON_REDRAW
Added add hybrid titles, change logic
Added add creating app uninstalled webhook if it doesn t exist
Fixed file upload fields
Fixed the option name in Enabled views
Fixed more fixes to pod products import
Fixed pod products import
Fixed upload elements on layer list
Fixed add tooltips to pod cards
Fixed change event CPB_ON_REDRAW
Fixed POD cards, fix styles and add new, restyle modal
Fixed POD fixes, restyle, add features
Fixed change file upload styles in alpine white themes
Fixed remove file name and type for file upload
Fixed minimize CPB
Fixed deprecated qty from custom option
Fixed update text in the interface
Fixed add new pod styles
Fixed pod stylization, in progress
Fixed change styles for file upload
Fixed pod nav restyle and activate breadcrumbs
Fixed pod title margin
Fixed hovered pod radio button border color
Fixed isolate new components, replace pod radion buttons, styling, fix btn image
Fixed hide visual effect of add to cart blocking
Fixed to restile pod entering button
Fixed restyle pod entering button
Fixed blocking add to cart when the canvas is loading
Fixed default values of radio buttons
Fixed rework and optimize the hybrid generation
Hotfix [3.23.6] 2023-06-20
Fixed default values of radio buttons
Release [3.24.0] 2023-06-15
Added new error boundary
Added ability to edit items before cart/add.js
Added multiple option sku qty in the Counter category
Added BRD and S3DX files format to file upload category
Added add to cart block before of all konva render is shown
Added another way to change cart data
Added products price correcting and rounding table with markets and scopes
Added scopes updating to Sales channels adding generated product
Added develop run scripts, add develop pages to localhost running
Added POD api key validation
Added custom view title to the cart
Fixed POD styles
Fixed checking IOS (ipad on mac etc)
Fixed Alpine White 2 styles
Fixed use other generation options if there are not pregeneration options
Fixed render size in Alpine White 2 theme
Fixed Options update event
Fixed show when out of stock tooltip condition
Fixed radio buttons infinite loop and initial price
Fixed updated showWhenOutofStock on checkboxes
Fixed calculator with deprecated fields and added Warning
Fixed hidden options visibility if the Product reset was used
Fixed formula calculate checking warnings
Fixed problems with Hybrid generation prices
Fixed sticky preview
Fixed mounted layers check loadings
Fixed removebg
Fixed issue with metafields key and add delete button to fileUpload
Fixed upload field category mac styles
Fixed global env variables for servers url
Fixed aloha button controls position
Fixed code optimization
Fixed default value with clearing rules
Fixed Date Picker
Fixed inStock param in the showWhenOutOfStock feature
Fixed view name changes on admin panel and add view names on storefront
Changed default pixel ratio on desktop
Changed pixel ratio mobile default value
Changed cdn url structure
Changed image upload file size to 30 Mb
Changed edit categories design
Changed deselectable option
Changed add to cart block feature, observer added
Changed splice method to toDateString
Removed extra pixel ratio options
Removed extra image upload url from orders
Hotfix [3.23.4] 2023-05-10
Fixed formula calculate checking warnings
Fixed calculator with deprecated fields and add Warning
Hotfix [3.23.1] 2023-04-04 —
Fixed small size of sticky preview
Inventory Release [1.2.1] 2023-04-04
Fixed restoring broken inventory products
Release [3.23.0] 2023-04-04
Added ability to change a view name
Added ability to change a view image resolution
Added Customer Privacy API for cookies to cpb
Added uninstall status to removed stores
Added links separation for file upload, removebg, etc to order
Added pop-up on Back button in admin panel
Fixed auto upload an image for new products
Fixed getting correct inventory policy
Fixed getting correct bundled product to cart
Fixed red screen and some image problems on Apple devices
Fixed inventory gets disconnected
Fixed functionality missing in the new interface
Fixed front view not displayed on ios in alpine white 2
Fixed fitoverflowed is not working properly
Fixed bug with preview loading when changing the views
Fixed no render in the order
Fixed preview in admin panel disappears
Fixed error creating customers product
Fixed infinite loop(cross update layers) when the product settings is saved with upload layer
Fixed not selected QTY goes to the order
Fixed quantity input bug
Fixed Engraving for the Wholesale is not availble in new interface
Fixed front + top view slider bug
Fixed hidden engraving, rare case
Fixed problems with preview printable text scaling in the cart, sync with transformer
Fixed problem with pr.area background if there is an error with custom fort from imported product json
Fixed the "Delete" button in the layer logic disappears from the screen
Fixed qty breakdown initialize from wholesale order
Fixed quantity breakdown price doesn't change when qty comes from wholsale order
Fixed existed isAdmin calculate
Fixed qty breakdonw on calculate
Fixed out of stock popup text
Fixed blending strength in layer colorization settings
Fixed show Calc category if store have only 1 tab
Fixed vertical slider active initialize bug
Fixed some settings interface improvements
Fixed accordion feature for engraving category
Fixed not select option for switch product view on the step level
Fixed empty input field does not disappear from the summary
Fixed long titles do not wrap to another line
Fixed problem with export new product
Fixed pass the value from the dropdown auto category to the cart
Fixed aloha missing styles
Fixed problem with deleting text if default text greater than the limit
Disabled unused theme styles
Hotfix [3.22.3] 2023-01-27
- Fixed add to cart file upload xhr param
- Fixed upload custom image to order error
- Fixed qty from category initialize with minmax, fix qty box initialize
Inventory Release [1.2.0] 2023-01-19
- Added api health 2022-10, add general configs, update shopify api version to 2022-10, update library shopify api node
- Added api health 2022-07, remove adapted extra library
Hotfix [3.22.3] 2023-01-04
- Fixed autogen titles
Release [3.22.0] 2022-12-27
- Added memoized value from redux to fontFamily
- Added complete adding hybrid generation logic
- Added rework bundle builder, inventory levels getting separate by tabs, add loaders, fix event
- Added popup for removeAdditionalData
- Added rounding as in Shopify Market for unknown converter
- Added getting market price(non use for users)
- Added add clearing memory for canvas
- Fixed problem with switching pages in options
- Fixed fix classic layers red screen/try to fix red screen on apple devices, memory problem
- Fixed red screen on apple - add unload events
- Fixed deleting category with linked logic
- Fixed bug with qty from category initialize
- Fixed removing onRadioChange extra engraving categories and layers
- Fixed engraving lines initialize when change layer without qty
- Fixed engraving extra fields
- Fixed polyfills condition, add error handling
- Fixed upgrade removebg feature
- Fixed ios cleaning cache
- Fixed Upgrade app fixes
- Fixed render quality on ios 16
- Fixed problem with curved text
- Fixed low quality on ios 16 with using many konva layers, optimize fixes
- Fixed adding hybrid 'add to cart' method to code and rework other methods flexible
- Fixed adding getting hybrid generation variant if exists logic
- Fixed optimize fill pattern
- Fixed bundle builder by tabs fixes, fix tabs spinner on the front, fix updating inventory levels state
- Fixed metafields check
- Fixed rare case enable\disable product with metafields
- Fixed webhooks initialize if not exists
- Fixed clearing rules from panel bug
Release [3.21.0] 2022-11-04
- Added Templates custom option type feature (beta)
- Added Update App feature
- Added filters feature for printable areas
- Added Black-Transparent filter for printable areas
- Added print on demand button
- Added storageapi queries with save storageapi idea
- Added memory clearing for canvas
- Fixed the Switch (Remove additional data from the buyer's product description)
- Fixed getting inventory query, remove query params
- Fixed getting inventory levels for bundle builder
- Fixed default printable area to add text
- Fixed inscribed printable area image in area by default
- Fixed printable area red screen
- Fixed getting shopId binded to some contexts
- Fixed prevent inventory available item when adding to cart bug
- Fixed getting inventory levels for bundle builder
- Changed a pillow mockup texture
Hotfix [3.20.30] 2022-05-10
- calculateFields layer adding to the cart, inventory fix
Hotfix [3.20.29] 2022-09-20
- Fix load error when a category have no options array
Release [3.20.28] 2022-09-07
- Added autoremovebg to printable areas, add removebg settings to category
- Added a new event STOCK_SYNCHRONIZED with details
- Fixed deleting category with linked logic
- Fixed bundle builder inventory availability when product is adding to cart
- Fixed broken frontendAPI
- Fixed get prices function, add additional calcualtes to sum arrays
- Fixed calculating variants prices
- Fixed checkbox position, add help tooltip
- Fixed printable area created text position
- Fixed red screen
- Fixed tooltip Remove Emojis for any inputs
- Fixed multiple color styles on aloha
- Fixed reaction to click to the color border
- Fixed inventory api url
- Fixed out of stock layers when product is loaded
- Fixed from category from config id, fix number layers from config
Release [3.20.26] 2022-08-22
- Added extra class to panels (steps)
- Fixed radio buttons layers initialize
- Fixed variants creation with OR logic
Release [3.20.25] 2022-08-16
- Added data attributes to categories
- Added images compression for mockup
- Added variants calculation with a single categories and hidden logic
- Fixed errors with pregenerated products: create, delete
- Fixed askRequiredOptions with logic
- Fixed low quality canvas downscaled image
- Fixed preview image proportions with highres screen
- Fixed remove emojis on layers
- Fixed getting variants prices with category logics: "any", "oneof", "not"
- Fixed pregenerated prices from logic depends on categories
- Fixed red screen issue
- Fixed engraving bugs with different field initialization
- Fixed quantity option synchronization with calc if it added to calc
- Fixed invisible Printable Areas text colors. Fix default PA text color
- Fixed fitOverflowed with text height
- Fixed a bug with incorrect visual display of the date in the "Date Picker"
- Fixed red screen on removing category with logic
- Fixed radio buttons
- Removed askRequired and required category from calculateFields and deactivate for old clients with active checkbox
- Removed fixes with change menu proportions, added proportions setting
Hotfix [3.20.24] 2022-07-11
- Fixed askRequiredOptions with logic
Release [3.20.23] 2022-06-28
- Added image auto adding to the front view for a new products
- Added summary empty inputs removing
- Added conditions to disable Required options on panel/categories and sync them
- Added ability to setup whitelist of available text colors in Printable Area
- Fixed removing logic on multiple deleted options, tabs, categories
- Fixed qty with calculator and qty from category
- Fixed modal overflow
- Fixed some new interface issues
- Fixed overflowed text fitting issues
- Fixed font family option list on logic "one of" or "not equal"
- Fixed require category and require one of category in the tab conflict
- Fixed layer logic initialize
- Fixed image object layer on path category
- Fixed plans names
- Fixed change sales channel setting, refactoring settings, fix site currency setting
- Fixed errors with autodeleted logic from pasted panel from other product
- Fixed red screen
- Fixed some fonts load errors
- Fixed sticky bugs: infinite jumping elements, elements collided
- Fixed remove not equal logic
- Fixed logic with font family, remove options list from choice list
- Fixed css increment
- Fixed display front views from image thumbnail options in the cart in current selected view is Media
Release [3.20.22] 2022-05-19
- Added image coords for upload field in the cart
- Added methods to update application scopes
- Added logic removing linked with deleted options
- Added text result variables to calculator customization
- Added text labels to calculate fields in admin mode of calculator customization
- Fixed pixel ratio on MacOS and mockup on layer on mobile devices
- Fixed font loading
- Fixed engraving different text when layers is changed and has logic/fix red screen
- Fixed engraving same on all for different categories
- Fixed sticky preview when disabled on mobiles and aloha mobile sticky preview offset
- Fixed autocomplete options NaN value and null value in the cart
- Fixed vertical text alignment
- Fixed red screen on summary tab
- Fixed overfloed text position when font is changed and font initialize
- Fixed calculator admin mode
- Fixed texts height and text layer position on safari and chrome
- Fixed fading preview and preview display initialize iOS
- Fixed pregenerated checkbox prices
- Fixed layer order initialize for classic layers
- Fixed layers and preview when general settings in saved
- Fixed mobile upload fields in Alphine and Alphine 2 themes
- Fixed wrong visible path area on front
- Fixed pathtool on client preview and invisible path layer on client preview
- Fixed vertical slider active initialize bug
- Fixed swiper autoswitch on iOS
- Fixed calculate fields titles shown on front
- Fixed radio buttons default values and theis logic
- Fixed quantity customization if the step index is less than 1
Release [3.20.20] 2022-04-12
- Added inventory webhooks list interface when inventory management is enabled
- Added ability to recreate inventory webhook
- Fixed webhooks creation process
- Fixed clearing important webhooks by Global Settings features
- Fixed iOS error with canvas
- Fixed insufficient memory problem for canvas on iOS
- Fixed mockup on macos, upgrade macos identify
- Fixed mockup position on mobile
- Fixed interfering curved text
- Fixed engraving dynamic categories react problem
- Fixed bug with transformer on a path layer
- Fixed font protocol problem
- Fixed default option selected state
- Fixed curved fontFamily from category if it has a layer
- Disabled sticky on Aloha theme for mobile devices
Release [3.20.19] 2022-03-29
- Added data attributes to file upload controls
- Fixed load custom fonts on ios when internet throttling is used and pocket loss 1%
- Fixed text layer Y offset on ios chrome
- Fixed image upload category styles
- Fixed CORS errors for removebg mockup texture
- Fixed fill pattern image red screen
- Fixed fill pattern image conditions and layers position
- Fixed 'is not' logic operator
- Fixed logic on checkbox with panels
- Fixed creating file upload option on old interface
- Fixed SKU management settings tab issues
- Fixed red screen when save panel after edit quickly
- Fixed dropdown on dawn theme
- Fixed engraving on new interface
- Fixed checkbox calculate fields
- Fixed curved text jumping on resize
- Changed inventory webhooks endpoints
Release [3.20.15] 2022-03-15
- Added multiselect color category
- Added checkbox and radio categories to CalculateFields
- Added Norwegian language translation
- Added removebg image mockup, pillow mockup, and texture set up
- Added checkbox "one of" category logic
- Added mockuped image to file upload category and to the cart
- Fixed text layer is draggable on frontend
- Fixed sku track red screen
- Fixed logic in checkbox, counter and upload options
- Fixed base price when Calculate fields calculating on frontend.
- Fixed empty category titles on Calculate fields variables
- Fixed different text layer font style on iOS and MacOS
- Fixed deleting image custom layer from file upload
- Fixed curved layer fonts load
- Fixed picture from classic layers in konva from wrong categories
- Fixed "not equal" logic for single and multiple categories
- Fixed colozire color type
- Fixed require category to add to cart if it's panel required
- Fixed thumbnail on deposit category
- Fixed disable additional data in the cart
- Fixed fill pattern image on text layer scale initialize\
- Changed some texts
Release [3.20.14] 2022-02-02
- Added inventory tip for Image options in admin mode
- Added additional metafields feature for custom options
- Fixed out of stock visible
- Fixed multiselect categories clearNext Prev options
- Fixed radio button category when editing category in options cells
- Fixed color picker red screen when save option with opened picker
Release [3.20.5] 2022-01-13
- Fixed in stock options visibility and In Stock checkbox
- Fixed red screen in Step (tab) deleting
- Fixed Steps (tabs) changing when they have a logic
- Fixed possible problems with an Image Upload custom option
Release [3.20.0] 2022-01-11
- Added word wrap feature to fit the overflowed text
- Added additional image for RemoveBG feature without background removing
- Added auto dropdown decimal fractions to cart. The hint also added
- Added Class Name field for steps
- Added Product to Delivery Profile setting. Update product scopes without deleting App logic
- Added logic clearing after removing linked panels and categories
- Added inventory tracking caching for Pro plan. Receiving inventory will be faster.
- Fixed Fix overflowed text fitting to a text layer
- Fixed red screen on Summary click
- Fixed red screen when local storage isn't available
- Fixed text layer position and sizes on Apple devices
- Fixed product media as default view
- Fixed sticky preview after Shopify Debut theme update
- Fixed next tab button when switching to Summary
- Fixed local storage buffer on panels copying to other products
- Fixed default option when category with linked logic is deleted
- Fixed red screen on logic
- Fixed logic when deleting categories and options
- Fixed "any" and "one of" options logic
- Fixed swiper slider carousel
- Fixed some New interface issues
- Fixed console clearing: clear console only in dev mode
Release [3.19.11] 2021-11-23
- Added ability to reorder options inside a table of editor 2.0 (use "Reorder" switcher near table header)
- Fixed ability to disconnect an option SKU from a product when SKU management is disabled
- Fixed quantity customization has no step field
- Fixed price display on mobile devices in Aloha theme when Column List layout is selected
- Fixed render canvas image when a layer is changed
- Fixed render preview option image when a pattern is connected
- Fixed unable to edit logic after broken panel ID fixed
- Updated popups package
- Updated "Update all SKU" feature. Inventory info added to Global Settings
- Updated some editor labels
Release [3.19.10] 2021-11-12
- Added glow effect for Curved Text custom layers
- Added ability to set pattern for Text custom layers
- Fixed count space as a character and get charge for spaces features on old interface
- Fixed editor version: it will be 2.0 by default for new stores
- Fixed iOS valid versions
- Fixed separation of text settings and color settings rows on curved text
- Fixed product description shows up despite been turn off
- Fixed logic removing
- Fixed inventory not working
- Fixed webhooks creating and removing
- [Updated] Text labels for most features
- Disabled loading global settings from CDN
Release [3.19.9] 2021-10-25
- Added checkbox setting for adding tags from a parent product to customer's "cpb_ordered"
- Fixed duplicate Panels to Other Custom Products doesn't work
- Fixed fonts go missing on addToCart and other settings updates
- Fixed base image go missing on layers reset and customizations deletes
- Fixed importing products in the general settings tab
- Fixed red screen when charge per character and other checkbox is enabled
- Renamed some features
Hotfix [3.19.8] 2021-10-13
- Fix Max Length validation: it must validate only input customizations
- Fix panels disappear on load
Hotfix [3.19.7] 2021-10-13
- Fix defaultValue for inputMultiple
- Fixed text input doesn't work if there is defult text: maxLengthValue can be undefined
- Fixed preview disappears on load
- Fixed plan notice for views and pixel ratio settings
- Fixed fractions displayed inccorectly in the auto-dropdown
- Fixed cpb_ordered in the draft switcher
- Fixed quantity option as quantity multiplier source on add to cart validate
- Fixed json import reset state
Release [3.19.6] 2021-10-09
- Fixed broken layers order: getOrderView gets true instead of view value
- Fixed undefined saveConfig and cpb-panels-container on event CPB_ON_PRODUCT_MOUNTED
- Fixed special characters on inputs
- Fixed red screen when enable Charge per character feature
- Fixed min limitation work with initialize values when add to cart
Hotfix [3.19.4] 2021-10-07
- Fixed disappeared tabs on shopify store front only
Hotfix [3.19.3] 2021-10-07
- Temporary remove all skeletons
Hotfix [3.19.2] 2021-10-07
- Temporary remove skeletons from the modules: it brokes custom scripts based on CPB_ON_PRODUCT_MOUNTED event
Hotfix [3.19.1] 2021-10-07
- Fixed unable to load application in admin panel
Release [3.19.0] 2021-10-07
- Added a checkbox that allows you to add auto-generated products to collections
- Optimized React performance. The interface speed should be doubled
- Fixed incorrect price calculation in the "Calculate Fields" customization in the preview mode
- Fixed adding autogenerated products to the same collections
- Fixed incorrect application behavior when creating a product
- Fixed features availability for old stores installed before feature plans were introduced
- Fixed compatibility with Online Store 2.0 themes
- Fixed text input doesn't work if there is default text
- Fixed "Clear prev/subs options in" and "Don't clear options from this category" features don't work in the new interface
- Fixed red screen on entering a product on a some stores
- Fixed top panel disappears when the admin panel is turned off in full-screen mode
- Fixed calculator field for the new interface
Hotfix [3.18.6] 2021-09-27
- Fixed red screen in printable area;
- Fixed file upload controls not working;
- Fixed application hangs after importing JSON;
Release [3.18.5] 2021-09-15
- Added standalone mode: you can open the application in a separate tab with full width of the browser window with the button to the left of Global Settings
- Added a weight from a parent product to auto generated variants
- Fixed Add to cart mode error message text
- Fixed red screen with calendar customization
- Fixed Quantity customization default value
- Fixed printable area doesn't work
- Fixed Add to cart image bugs with printable areas
Hotfix [3.18.4] 2021-08-27
- Fixed mobile version does not load in safari;
Release [3.18.3] 2021-08-26
- Added feature "Dimensions Of Image In The Order Property By Views" in the "Render Control Panel"
- Fixed the "Add Edited Image With Coords By User To Cart Properties" functionality does not work
- Fixed wrong custom layers in filtered list
- Fixed plans descriptions, titles and trial version duration
- Fixed bugs with automatic disabling of custom fonts
- Fixed multiple select option changes in DOM when it is updated
- Fixed json icon is not displayed
- Fixed сalculator does not work with non-existent entities from logic parameters
- Fixed updating dynamic categories from other categories in the "Engraving For Wholesale"
- Fixed the promise is not returned from FrontendApi updateOptions method
Improvements for the New Interface
- Fixed InputUpload component update does not start when links change in the "File Upload" category
- Fixed the error when selecting a value in the "Checkbox" category settings
- Fixed the wrong category type in the new interface after saving the category in the old interface
- Fixed react keys errors in console
- Fixed there is no possibility to select a color value in the "Color" option settings modal
- Fixed styles of the category/option edit settings
- Fixed "Colorize Image From Category" doesn't work
- Fixed "Font Family From Category" doesn't work
- Fixed the general list of options is not updated after creating a new option
- Fixed the InputText components hangs when quickly entering values in the options settings
- Fixed the InputText component with type 'number' doesn't work
- Added the ability to set default values for categories with a choice of date and time
- Added "Icon as default value" input upload field in the "Dropdown", "Multiple Select" category settings
- Added "Add next step button text template" field in the category settings
- Added "Add next step button" checkbox in the category settings
- Added "Disable collapsible for this category" checkbox in the category settings
- Added new InputDateTime component for "Input", "Date", "Input+Date" categories
- Added "Select Allowed Files" panel for "File Upload" in the category settings
- Added "Dynamic Category Title Template" field and "Option Value Capitalize" checkbox for "Engraving For Wholesale" in the category settings
- Added "Quantity multiplier source panel" and "Quantity multiplier source category" dropdowns in the category settings
- Added "Use the calculator as an independent category" checkbox in the category settings
- Added "Remove from Customer's product description" checkbox in the category settings
- Added warning about using with "Bundler Builder Mode" to the category description (for 'Additional price field' and 'Deposit Percentage') in the category settings
- Added the SKU functionality for the options
- Added "Quickly add option" button in the options table
- Added new "Radio" (radio buttons) category
- Added breadcrumbs to the option and category settings
- Optimized the value updating in the InputColorPicker component for the "Color" category
- Refactored the general options table and option edit settings components
Hotfix [3.18.2] 2021-08-16
- Added the product name to the beginning of the breadcrumbs component;
- Added the "Don't Clear Options From This Category" checkbox to the category settings.
- Fixed the text custom layer can be moved without turning on the edit mode;
- Fixed the image bugs when adding a product to the cart with added printable areas.
Hotfix [3.18.1] 2021-08-11
- Fixed old text layer transparent text bug;
Release [3.18.0] 2021-08-10
- Added compatibility with "Dawn" Shopify theme. Now it will installs correctly
- Added stock quantity tooltip. You can use {{stockQuantity}} in tooltips
- Added ability to merge customizations
- Added customizations compatibility from new editor to legacy. You can now use the editor version 2.0 safely
- Added breadcrumbs to options and customizations settings
- Added new payment plans: Product Options, Product Builder, Live Customizer, Pro, Enterprise
- Fixed font family doesn't have a default option
- Fixed upload area overlaps product media view
- Fixed calculator stops working when there's a multiselect customization in the formula
- Fixed product media image in a pregenerated products
- Fixed clearing prev/next options
- Fixed sticky preview setting doesn't work: in Aloha theme on mobile devices it's always sticky
- Fixed old text layer transparent text bug
- Fixed "Repeat" button doesn't work in 'Wholesale Engraving' customization
- Fixed multiple select doesn't work with inner logic and synchronization
- Fixed problem with Save global setting if pushed cancel after save
- Fixed custom fonts bug with TTF format
- Fixed "Synchronization by label" bug on dropdown
- Fixed text layer stops displaying randomly
- Fixed extra tooltip in file upload controls
- Fixed error when adding files to the cart (not images) from connected to the "Display Artwork" custom layers
- Changed Global Settings button state to inactive while product list loading
- Reworked "Dropdown Auto" customization
Hotfix [3.17.8] 2021-07-19
- Fixed red screen when calling the "getStockQuantity" method in option-tooltip component;
- Fixed new text layer is created with transparent font colour;
Release [3.17.7] 2021-07-17
- Added loader icon for font upload progress
- Added "Reduce The Dimensions Of Image In The Order Property In The Safari Browser (iOS)" button in "Render Control Panel" tab (product settings popup)
- Added a warning message that pre-generation of variants will not work with the customization "Quantity" in "Add To Cart Methods" tab
- Fixed Global Settings bugs: turn off autosave with autoupload. It saves only on Save button click
- Fixed initial custom font name: it is taken from the filename
- Fixed console clear on startup: clear only on local development
- Fixed not all images get to the order
- Fixed fractions displayed incorrectly in the auto-dropdown customization
- Fixed cpb_ordered and cpb_variant doesn't pick up information from the source product ("Weight" checkbox) for pre-generated variants
- Fixed the effect of blinking text when changing the settings of a custom layer
- Fixed the issue with enabled "Get Fill Pattern Image From Option Layer Image" button
- Fixed issue with the default font in the "Font Family" customization
- Fixed auto-generated "Checkbox" customization layer not showing in the general list of layers
- Fixed thumbnail slider bugs when initializing the app
- Fixed Separate Order by Views function
- Fixed unknown currency code undefined
- Fixed engraving dinamic customization value from config
- Fixed different text on all products of Engraving for Wholesale customization: engraving repeater customization value/deactivate
- Fixed a non-existent font selected by default in the "Font Family" customization
- Fixed Synchronize Options By Label doesn't work with default options
- Fixed the "Reset" button does not work for the "Dropdown Auto (generate variants from a to b)" customization
- Fixed the input value in the "Wholesale Order" customization is not reset when the "Clear Options" parameter in the previous/next" customization is enabled
- Fixed issues with the default value for the "Checkbox" customization
- Fixed there is no text color bug: the default is 'transparent'
Hotfix [3.17.6] 2021-07-01
- Fixed the custom fonts are not saved in the Font Manager tab
- Fixed a custom font periodically doesn't appear on the render
Hotfix [3.17.5] 2021-07-01
- Fixed webhooks autoremoving method
- Fixed 422 error on custom font uploading
- Fixed red screen error when connecting "Quantity" customization to "Quantity Breakdown"
- Fixed default value of multiple text fields bug
- Fixed "Checkbox" category is displayed incorrectly in the summary tab
- Fixed "Quantity" customization default value is updating by form field value changing
- Fixed max and min values in "Quantity" customization
- Fixed the input value in "Wholesale Order" customization is not reset when "Clear Options" parameter in the previous or next category is enabled
Hotfix [3.17.4] 2021-07-01
Fixed can't open the product via admin panel with 'Font Family' category;
Hotfix [3.17.3] 2021-06-29
- Fix upload error: set file chunk size to 10 MB
Hotfix [3.17.2] 2021-06-29
- Fixed red screen error
Hotfix [3.17.1] 2021-06-29
- Fixed wrong plan notification for default (undefined) plan
Release [3.17.0] 2021-06-29
- Added "Product Options" payment plan for $15/month that excludes functionality responsible for displaying preview render and some complex customizations
- Added "Enterprise" payment plan for $199/month that allows you to have your own repository with the source code of the application for your own revision and host this application on our separate subdomain
- Added universal multicurrency integration to provide compatibility with other multicurrency applications
- Added ability to connect "Quantity Breakdown" customization with "Quantity" instead of common product quantity through "Connect To Quantity Option" checkbox in customization editor
- Added ability to enter an input value step for "Quantity Breakdown" and "Quantity" customizations in option settings
- Added ability to set a glow effect for a custom text on the preview render
- Added ability to fill "Image" custom layers with pattern through "Fill Pattern Image" parameter
- Fixed red screen when editing any category or parameters with enabled "Fill Pattern Image" parameter in "Image" custom layer settings
- Fixed application installation problems and extra duplicate products are created during the first installation and subsequent
- Fixed "Preview" menu link is not updated when opening a product
- Fixed incorrect behavior of "Image control coordinates" inside a layer
- Fixed default image problem in display artwork layers
- Fixed the wrong order of layers by default in the preview
- Fixed a text alignment bug
- Fixed Auto Currency Switcher integration bug
- Fixed add to cart error when no views turned on
- Fixed deprecated Shopify API calls and webhooks
- Changed Shopify EASDK integration to App Bridge 2.0 API
Release [3.16.14] 2021-06-17
- Added ability to change thumbnails slider position (vertical/horizontal)
- Added cart properties to config.json
- Added new "Screen" color blending mode for Image custom layer
- Fixed summary red screen
- Fixed loading error on stage
- Fixed "Checkbox" category issues
- Fixed update multi currency options/fix engraving repeat on-off/fix engraving configid
- Fixed required "Checkbox" category blocks product from adding to cart
- Fixed the category of the checkbox does not change in any way in the order props if you change the selection
- Fixed calculate field doesn't work with "Dropdown Auto" category
- Fixed one of the layers is not passed through configID
Release [3.16.11] 2021-06-03
- Added help popup on start when a new product is created the first time in the store (сlearing the cookies will make the popup appear again)
- Added min/max field for qtyBreakdown in the new editor
- Fixed extra duplicate products are created during the first installation: create demo products only in the first app install
- Fixed impossible to use multiple calculators where are all categories but one are hidden by logic
- Fixed upload images offsetX and offsetY are wrong
- Fixed product crash with variants pre-generation
- Fixed multiple text fields bug with a default value
- Fixed product does not load on Safari
- Fixed incorrect work of logic in Input categories
- Fixed flip image does not work with the "Add Edited Image With Coords By User To Cart Properties" option enabled
- Fixed incorrect behaviour of the Multiple Select category with enabled synchronization
- Fixed upload layer image replace/fix upload controls coverage. Fixed custom layers path coverage
- Fixed sticky preview glitch
- Fixed input fields settings in the new editor
- Fixed integer and numbers input fields for the new editor
Release [3.16.10] 2021-05-25
- Added ability to use old versions of scripts starting from the current version. To do this, contact our support, we will switch the version of the script specifically for your store.
- Fixed the bug when layers aren't displayed despite been set up correctly: fixed layers order
- Fixed the bug when deselecting synchronized multiple options
- Fixed Dropdown options is selected by default when initializing the app
- Fixed layers displayed incorrectly before the changes are done
- Fixed Product Edit button bug
- Fixed incorrect price per one product with added "Additional Price Field" category
- Fixed auto generated dropdown options logic doesn't work
- Fixed console error "TypeError: Cannot create property 'guid' on number ..."
- Fixed input value format in 'Dropdown Auto' category
- Fixed SKUs aren't recognized if they contain "#" or ":"
- Fixed arrows work incorrectly when scrolling sticky preview
- Fixed loading chunks red screen for future releases. Starting from the current release, the location of chunks for old versions starting from the current one will be unchanged. During the current release, there is still a possibility of a red screen error, but in subsequent releases it will no longer appear. If you see such an error labeled "ChunkLoadError", refresh your browser cache.
Release [3.16.5] 2021-05-14
- Added "Flip Image" functional for "Display Artwork" custom layer connected to File Upload category
- Fixed "Image" Custom Layer & Color Thumbnail Logic isn't working with a lot of custom layers
- Fixed "Artwork" area
- Fixed Cropping Area params in cart properties
- Fixed red screen error if canvas height or width less then 1px
- Fixed default value is not selected periodically in the "Input Multiple" category when initializing the app
- Fixed incorrect work of the logic engine in the checkbox category
- Fixed incorrect Price per one product with added "Additional Price Field" category
- Fixed the render block jerks on scrolling up in aloha theme with added "cpb-fix-image" class name
- Fixed Aloha theme issue, scrolling up does not work when switching to the summary tab
- Fixed Aloha theme issue, scrolling up does not work when switching to the next tab without "Panel Select View" parameter
- Fixed the additional price field value is not displayed on summary tab
- Fixed behavior of "cpb_ordered" cleaner
- Fixed preview mode while loading image inside "Display Artwork" custom layers, path with background is displayed
- Fixed "Layout Shift" for Render wrapper element
- Fixed error on add to cart a product with no views turned on
- Fixed bug in "Counter" category when using multiple options
- Fixed out-of-sync updating layers in state when fast change options value in the "Quantity" category
- Fixed user changes functional not working for "Multiple Select" category
- Fixed uploaded image doesn't updates if it connected to two views
- Fixed some layers missed after filter->reorder->save operations
- Fixed select option value is equal to label in rare case
- Fixed the picture is moving out after window resizing
- Fixed field for preview layer displayed incorrectly before scrolling
- Fixed JSON with 100 text monogram options does not load when creating a product
- Fixed layers order if product media is selected as default view
- Removed 'File Upload' category from Default Options settings list
- Renamed demo products titles
- Optimized product layers updating by ~20%
Release [3.16.4] 2021-05-13
- Added ability to run application front in iframe
Release [3.16.2] 2021-05-05
- Fixed views are missing in the description of the auto-generated products
- Fixed red screen crashes when loading a product
- Fixed incorrect currency on the phone in the aloha theme
- Fixed red screen on layer deleting
- Fixed error on import JSON without base image
Release [3.16.0] 2021-04-28
- Added "Extra Class Name For Tab" field in tab settings
- Added "cropping/flip/black&white" image feature
- Added description for "Cart Properties Variables" section in product settings
- Added product preview button to the product list
- Fixed total canvas memory use exceeds the maximum limit when render preview in Aloha Theme in Safari browser on iOS
- Fixed red screen if you enable "Show thumbnail slider" and try to edit categories or options
- Fixed unable to select default options for dropdowns. All of default options is looks like selected and going to a cart
- Fixed browser tab freezes when clicking on a render with a lot of custom layers. Increased app performance when clicking on a option
- Fixed "Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null" error with multi-currency widget
- Fixed wrong dimensions of image in the order properties of its size exceeded 15mb
- Fixed the category "deposit percentage" is displayed incorrectly in the summary
- Fixed Add To Cart error message in popup not displayed
- Fixed display artwork is not working when colorize from category is active
- Fixed "Enable/Disable Custom product builder for this product" feature doesn't work
- Fixed incorrect price calculation when switching multiple "Quantity breakdowns" categories with logic enabled
- Fixed the active class is not added to the rows of the "Qty Breakdown" table if value is not specified in the option settings
- Fixed Add to cart not working with enabled "Deposit Percentage" category, "Pre-generated price variants" and "Bundler Builder Mode"
- Fixed updating layers does not work correctly when the "Clear previous options in:" or "Clear subsequent options in:" parameter is enabled in category settings
- Fixed error on inserting a panel into another custom product from the "Buffer"
Release [3.15.2] 2021-04-28
- Added "Extra Class Name For Tab" field in tab settings
- Fixed total canvas memory use exceeds the maximum limit when render preview in Aloha Theme in Safari browser on iOS
- Fixed red screen if you enable "Show thumbnail slider" and try to edit categories or options
- Fixed unable to select default options for dropdowns. All of default options is looks like selected and going to a cart
- Fixed browser tab freezes when clicking on a render with a lot of custom layers. Increased app performance when clicking on a option
- Fixed "Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null" error with multi-currency widget
- Fixed wrong dimensions of image in the order properties of its size exceeded 15mb
- Fixed the category "deposit percentage" is displayed incorrectly in the summary
- Fixed Add To Cart error message in popup not displayed
- Fixed display artwork is not working when colorize from category is active
- Fixed "Enable/Disable Custom product builder for this product" feature doesn't work
- Fixed incorrect price calculation when switching multiple "Quantity breakdowns" categories with logic enabled
- Fixed the active class is not added to the rows of the "Qty Breakdown" table if value is not specified in the option settings
Release [3.15.0] 2021-04-16
- Added ability to select any Product Media (image, video or 3D) as Default View in Global Settings and Tab Select View To setting
- Added ability to remove additional technical data such as SKU, quantity multiplier and price from Customer's Product properties by setting in Add to Cart Mode tab of General Settings
- Added ability to remove category row from Customer's Product properties by setting in category editor (old version)
- Fixed red screen when opening FontFamily category without default font selected
- Fixed incorrect price calculation when switching multiple "Quantity breakdowns" categories with logic enabled
- Fixed Browser tab crashes on a product with a large number of active options (~400pcs): added preloader if the number of active options is more than 100.
- Fixed situation when Color thumbnail options are hidden in the admin panel if they have logic
- Changed the layersCalculator function to asynchronous
Release [3.14.94] 2021-04-06
- Added ability to attach SKUs from different tabs when the "Separate combined SKU by Tabs" option is enabled
- Added ability to change the name of the configId and productUrl keys in the cart item properties
- Fixed ability to disable panels titles in the cart
- Fixed image sizes in order intermittently does not work
- Fixed the autogenerated product does not have a base image if it has a size of more than 20MB (limitation from shopify)
- Fixed panel is not displayed in admin-off mode
- Fixed styles for auto-generated custom layers in the general list
- Fixed the reorder of the selected SKUs works slowly and incorrectly
- Fixed SKU property in the Summary tab
- Fixed default value doesn't work for the text monogram field category
- Fixed input fields and dropdown categories are resetting by show/hide logic
- Fixed "Text monogram field" text is cleared when switching to another category
- Fixed wrong panel classes when there are panels hidden with logic
- Fixed deposit percentage stopped working with pregeneration mode
- Changed CSS breakpoint from 1000px to 1040px
- Changed prices visibility to hidden in the dropdown category by default
Hotfix [3.14.92] 2021-03-22
- Fixed panel is not displayed in admin off mode;
- Fixed styles for auto-generated custom layers in the general list;
Release [3.14.914] - 2021-03-22
- Added more intuitive tabs interface
- Added tab editor in Editor v2.0
- Added scrolling to top on clicking next/prev tab buttons in Aloha theme
- Added Auto Multi-Currency Converter (Bear)
compatibility - Added Bundle builder errors messages on adding to cart
- Fixed ability to create products by the old method through adding to metafields
- Fixed upload image issues when there is a third-party Shopify app detector
- Fixed red screen on default settings
- Fixed invalid canvas styles on app startup
- Fixed the value in the quantity box is not visible in the Aloha theme
- Fixed MlVeda Auto Currency Switcher compatibility
- Changed: demo products will be created with 'draft' status
- Changed: Aloha is the default theme for new products
Release [3.14.0] 2021-03-13
- Added demo products on first app install;
- Added fast preview mode on frontend for admins. You will be able to see how the product looks after saving immediately, without waiting for the configuration update in the CDN;
- Added ability to export/import product configuration as JSON in product Settings;
- Added "SKU check" alerts on options changes
- Fixed problems with App installation;
- Fixed error when no views are turned on;
- Fixed error when adding to the cart a product that contains options connected with the SKU;
- Fixed products list update delay when adding a new product or copying/deleting an existing one;
- Fixed a bug when entering value into the dynamic input field of the 'Engraving For Wholesale' category;
- Fixed Quick Search doesn't work in dropdown;
- Fixed "Out Of Stock" option displayed by default;
- Fixed deselect spreads to other tabs;
- Fixed error on many "cpb_ordered" products deleting;
- Fixed "NO TITLE" tab is not displayed if "Rows Tabs" or "Column Tabs" are set in Default Layout;
- Fixed wholesale order minimum Purchase qty doesn't set to 0;
- Fixed red screen on category edit;
- Fixed tokens problems when the store becomes unfrozen;
- Fixed option sku alert case when save option/remove selected default option from list in multiselect;
- Fixed ability to add selected option to multiselect default;
- Changed text in "Add to Cart Mode" tab of product Settings;
- Renamed "Save" button to "Apply" in modals.
Release [3.13.4] 2021-03-05
- Fixed incorrect order of Custom layer Image with colourization
- Fixed some CSS problems in CPB with the new interface
- Fixed black stripe at the bottom of the CPB
- Fixed synchronization issue in several tabs
- Fixed auto-generated options are not shown in the "Quantity Breakdown" category
Hotfix [3.13.3] 2021-02-25
- Fixed (no localize) line shows up in the cart;
Hotfix [3.13.2] 2021-02-24
- Fixed incorrect price calculation when changing qty box with "Synchronize Options By Label" enabled.
Hotfix [3.13.1] 2021-02-23
- Fixed mobile version styles overlapping.
Release [3.13.0] 2021-02-22
- Added ability to rotate and transform a path in Display Artwork custom layer by new red controls and round its corners
- Added beta version of new category editor. You can switch it on in Global Settings
- Added beta version of printable areas category so that customers can add and move text and images within the area themselves
- Added "Synchronize Options By Label" with Multiple Select Category
- Added prices display for options in the Dropdown menu
- Changed location of Prices functionality. Now you can find price generator behavior control in "Add To Cart Mode" tab in General Settings
- Fixed new text layer is not displayed in the preview
- Fixed red screen if "Not selected" type of layer used
- Fixed incorrect generation of custom layers with the "Get Option Layer Image" enabled, where the category is of the 'Dropdown' type with "Synchronize Options By Label" enabled
- Fixed the qtyBreakdown category is not displayed in "Quantity Multiplier Source Category" dropdown
- Fixed options connected by SKU out of stock when product is not tracking
- Fixed SKU check doesn't work with many options
- Fixed "select view to" in categories bug
- Fixed "select view to" in tab when some options are required
- Fixed min/max in text categories if a value is undefined
- Fixed dropdown deselect Panel error
- Fixed autogeneration is enabled as default. Now autogeneration is disabled as default
- Fixed the phrase in English is not shown if there is no translation in the current language
- Fixed description length limit on the product list page
- Fixed price limitations in options. Very large values can now be set. This is useful for currencies with a lot of extra zeros
- Fixed uploaded image without cropping in Display Artwork custom layer
- Fixed no translations for views in media slider
- Fixed Quantity category doesn't set value on 0 by default
- Fixed broken synchronization of inputs with react
- Fixed broken synchronization of inputs with react
- Fixed "NO TITLE" tab is not displayed if Rows Tabs or Column Tabs are set in Default Layout
- Fixed strange behavior of input field of dropdown auto (generate options from a to b)
- Fixed pre-generation does not take into account all options
- Fixed JS minification doesn't work for all dist files
Hotfix [3.12.12] - 2021.02.03
- Fixed Production CDN;
- Fixed New install app hasn't Wrong Method;
Release [3.12.11] 2021-02-03
- Added url migration to CDN for JSON and PNG files
- Added ability to show thumbnail dynamically based on the option selection
- Added wholesale prices per size feature
- Fixed red screen when turning off some active view
- Fixed Shopify media in slider broke and slider is not clickable
- Fixed red screen on mobile add to cart
- Fixed copying CPB product does not work correctly
- Fixed problem with adding to cart with specific font
- Fixed insertAnyCharacter min/max validation
- Fixed select view to function doesn't work with one active view
- Fixed single choice customization becomes multiple select after following a link from the cart
- Fixed the default options do not work if there are logical conditions in the Panel
- Fixed incorrectly products behavior with function "Add Edited Image With Coords By User To
- Cart Properties" but without layer for that File Upload Option
- Fixed Font Size from category doesn't work for Curved text
- Fixed clickable layers don't work when Admin mode is off
- Changed contact email in after install letter
Hotfix [3.12.10] - 2021.01.29
- Added Migration to multiple default options;
- Fixed Multiple default options;
- Fixed Styles/fixed default value filling;
Hotfix [3.12.9] - 2021.01.26
- Fixed Red screen in mobile version, added intl locale polyfill;
- Fixed Red screen in mobile version - "Intl.NumberFormat(...).format is not a function";
- Fixed Clickable layers don't work when Admin mode is off;
- Fixed Problem with spaced sku;
[3.12.8] 2021-JAN-25
- Added loaders for creating, cloning, deleting product
- Added translations to views buttons
- Added Quantity Multiplier Source Panel dropdown
- Added ability to remove all cpb_ordered (created by buyers) products
- Added ability to select more than one option in Multiselect category as Default
- Fixed Incorrect weight in cart properties when adding multiple products to cart
- Fixed Incorrect quantity subtracted from inventory when order created with multiple options connected to the same SKU
- Fixed The grouping additional products with same ID when add to cart with enabled Bundle Builder Mode
- Fixed Incorrect quantity subtracted from inventory when order created with Quantity multiplier value and Additional Quantity Multiplier or the order has properties with SKU and Bundle Builder Mode is enabled
- Fixed Pagination in getInventoryLevels function not working
- Fixed Shopify media thumbnails are broken in slider
- Fixed option to SKU linking that includes spaces
- Fixed Multiple category type options count limit
- Fixed the store hangs when processing a long array with low prices
- Fixed All logic with generation of variants was redone to asynchronous functions, if during the iteration the number of variants
- Fixed 'Multiplier Source Category' field only for 'Text list', 'Dropdown', 'Quantity', 'Autocomplete', 'Dropdown auto' categories
- Fixed the problem with updating layers from copied panel
- Fixed "Go to ..." buttons doesn't update depending on category logic
- Fixed app crashes in infinity loop if the option in the dropdown category is incorrectly created
- Fixed coords from configData are incorrectly used on render preview
- Fixed options are failed to connect with existing SKU
[3.12.6] 2021-JAN-05
- Added stock availability validation. A message will now be displayed if more options are ordered than are available in stock
- Added SKU check feature in the SKU Management tab of Product General Settings to check the availability of all products connected via SKU to options
- Added button "Delete Old Variants" if the limit of auto-generated variants is exceeded and such variants were previously created
- Added "Show Counter Of Entered Characters" parameter in option settings for 'Long Text Monogram Field', 'Multiple Text Fields', 'Text Monogram Field' categories
- Added 'insertAnyCharacter' feature support for 'Long Text Monogram Field', 'Multiple Text Fields', 'Text Monogram Field' categories
- Fixed changing the position of the uploaded image does not work if the File Upload category is tied to several custom layers
- Fixed endless products list page loading if you have more than 250 custom products
- Fixed SKUs and Prices are not displayed in order properties width calculateFields category
- Fixed incorrect price in the title of the generated product
- Fixed Red Screen when reordering any autogenerated categories options
- Fixed Can't link an Option to an SKU that includes spaces
- Fixed prices generator: add category price to groups is there is no valid logic (check logic validation)
- Fixed Render not showing on mobile in alpine v2 theme
- Fixed Font Size from dropdown category gets numeric from option label, if the value field is empty
- Fixed Incorrect work of skew line in Curved Text
- Fixed Incorrect change of curved text parameters taking into account rotation around its axis
- Fixed disabling pre-generation with Additional price category (implemented the ability to add any categories in the future), in this case, the product is dynamically created when added to cart
- Fixed The "NotSupported" component is now self-contained and loaded before initializing the entire application (avoids errors in ie11)
- Fixed "Quantity" category default value not working
- Fixed pressing next button before the image is loaded and then the product is created without it
- Fixed red screen when you enter to edit option via input
- Fixed font size category default value
- Fixed incorrect position of new dots in Display Artwork layer with increased Scale in OS settings (high resolution screens problem: 2k, 4k .etc)
- Internet Explorer 11 added to unsupported browsers list
[3.12.2] 2020-DEC-15
- Fixed Changing the position of the uploaded image does not work
- Fixed Multiple categories with the same titles from different panels when added to the cart are combined into one
- Fixed The value from the 'Date Picker' and 'Date & Time Picker' categories is not passed to cart properties when the 'Calculate Fields' is added
- Fixed Global Settings saving
- Fixed Custom Fonts missing
- Fixed Popup to confirm product delete
- Fixed Rounding the "Scale" value for Image Coords in cart properties
- Fixed Safari iOS Text layer offset
[3.12.1] 2020-DEC-12
- Added product-handle to initializer asset
- Fixed Incorrect operation of several "file upload" options from one parent category
- Fixed Incorrect work of "Clear subsequent options in This Panel" parameter
- Fixed The "Out of Stock" value hides category options in Admin mode
- Fixed Red screen error on "Date and Time" option creation
- Fixed Safari macOS Text layer offset
- Fixed products type update method crush: request page size is 10 now
[3.12.0] 2020-DEC-10
- Added preloaders for Cloning and Deleting processes
- Added preloaders for Getting Products List process
- Added a new way to define a custom product. Now all custom products have product_type="cpb_product". You will be shown a notification about the steps required to switch to the new method
- Added Get Products Method switching popup
- Added ability to change Get Products Method from Global Settings
- Added Delete Layer Button in the custom layer list
- Added the ability to set checkboxes default state
- Added "Text Wrap" parameter in "Text" custom layer advanced settings
- Added "Show Counter Of Entered Characters" parameter in option settings for 'Long Text Monogram Field', 'Multiple Text Fields', 'Text Monogram Field' categories
- Added support 'insertAnyCharacter' functionality for 'Long Text Monogram Field', 'Multiple Text Fields', 'Text Monogram Field' categories
- Added "Round Path Radius" parameter in Display Artwork settings
- Added Params "Text Height Auto" and "Text Max Height" in advanced settings tab for Text Custom Layer
- Fixed font size category default value
- Fixed "Go To Summary" button is displayed even if the Summary tab is disabled
- Fixed Incorrect sorting of custom layers when adding a new layer with auto-layers from categories
- Fixed Preview image is not displayed correctly when compared to the final cropped image from the Upload file category
- Fixed Tooltips shown price of an option with $ sign when it's 0.00 and without when it's > 0.00
- Fixed the error of adding several categories to the cart with the same title
- Fixed File Upload remains in summary and cart even already file deleted
- Fixed updateCurrentLayerView not working with goToNextStep button
- Fixed modal style and after open scroll
- Fixed Image background inside Display Artwork shows even on chosen element
- Fixed Getting layers list in deleteLayers function with logic Engine
- Fixed script execution speed when updating layers
- Fixed Mouse events are triggered on an image that is outside the path
- Fixed Tap events not working for Display Artwork custom layer
- Fixed Round Path for mobile screens displayed incorrectly
- Fixed InputRange component min/max value validation
- Fixed Updating layers in admin mode works incorrectly, custom layers with complex logic are not displayed
- Fixed Incorrect currentTab index when selecting a conditional option
- Fixed Positioning bug on layers using the same image
- Fixed unable to add to cart if connected to option product is no more exists
- Fixed The option inStock parameter is incorrect if multiple options are used the same connected SKU
- Fixed Incorrect work of skew line in Curved Text
- Fixed product cloning
- Fixed product deleting
- Fixed ability to make stantard product as CPB product by action in "More Actions" menu of Shopify product editor (works only for new Get Products Method)
- Fixed Autocomplete critical error on edit options in input field
- Fixed Red screen when you click on the "edit options" button in Autocomplete category
- Fixed js-errors in console
- Fixed Date & Time picker visual bug appeared when changing the time
- Fixed Red screen when you click on the "edit options" button in Autocomplete and CalculatedFields category
[3.11.1] 2020-NOV-25
- Added Cloning a panel
- Added Static classes to summary elements
- Fixed All collapsible categories are open by default when using the column list layout
- Fixed Image Coords Not Pass To ConfigData
- Fixed Collage is no longer showing in the basket
- Fixed Custom layers have shifted slightly in Safari
[3.11.0] 2020-NOV-24
- Added "Round Path" and "Hide Path Tool" switch buttons in Display Artwork settings
- Added Undo/Redo/Reset functional in "Calculate Fields" component
- Added Cancel/Save buttons in "Calculate Fields" component
- Added ability to turn off Weight in the cart from the Settings
- Added Auto-scroll to the newly created custom layer
- Fixed bug with two Long text options in one category, remove LongText, merge long text with multiple inputs
- Fixed Value in React Multiselect is not reset in Display Artwork settings
- Fixed .jfif image is not loaded
- Fixed clicking on a Display Artwork does not work if an image is loaded in it
- Fixed The cloned product hangs at the stage "Loading product variants"
- Fixed The "Dropdown Auto (generate variants from a to b)" category not taking value from input field
- Fixed Incorrect data in the cart properties from the "Dropdown Auto (generate variants from a to b)" category
- Fixed Displaying values from "Dropdown Auto (generate variants from a to b)" category on summary tab
- Fixed image from Display Artwork disappears on mouseLeave event
- Fixed Clear options bug in "Dropdown" category
- Fixed Separate Order By Views in cart properties
- Fixed Positioning bug on layers using the same image
- Fixed Font Family is not rendering on Safari browsers
- Fixed input auto filled with default value
- Fixed Wrong Layer order for new custom layer
- Fixed "Add Edited Image With Coords By User To Cart Properties" functional
- Fixed Image offset looks like sets offset in pixels always the same amount, independently of screen size
- Fixed Incorrect sorting of custom layers when adding a new layer
- Fixed Reset btn doesn't work for file upload categories
- Fixed Image URL from File Upload category not display in shopify order
- Fixed default monogram input layer value
- Fixed Add to cart collage image not working
- Fixed Safari macOS Image layer offset
- Fixed Sync by label price count bug
- Optimize resource loading for images (speed rendering)
[3.10.8] 2020-NOV-13
- Added generator reaction for Pregenerated Product Name changes
- Added Display Artwork Fill Settings in "Advanced" panel, color selection for default, hover and active states
- Added The ability to bind the "Get Option Layer Image" parameter to multiple categories
- Added Support The "Text List" / "Dropdown" categories for text source values in "Text" and "Curved Text" layers
- Added Multiplier Render Quality description
- Added Theme modal active slide with border style
- Added Theme modal initial slide with active theme
- Added pagination for getInventoryLevels request
- Fixed Font Family is not rendering on Safari browsers
- Fixed InputWYSIWYG Content editing in "Source" mode not working
- Fixed Positioning, rotation and scaling control of images from option (which were previously created by cloning categories) inside Display Artwork custom layer
- Fixed Display artwork custom layer periodically shows an incorrect image when changing bound options
- Fixed Red error screen when deleting a category tied to a Display Artwork custom layer
- Fixed Positioning bug on layers using the same image
- Fixed The "Date & Time Picker" category does not pass the value to the cart
- Fixed Product = null on Added to cart
- Fixed Default Fonts do not appear on plain text
- Fixed Display of layers loaded from configid
- Fixed App hangs when loading images in two "File Upload" categories
- Fixed Cart properties images with enabled Separate Order By Views button in custom layers
- Fixed Font size value does not appear in cart and checkout page
- Fixed Shopify media image preview
- Fixed alpine-white-v2 theme preview image in Theme popup
- Fixed Multiplier Render Quality not working with Apple devices
- Fixed Theme Modal Adaptive height
- Fixed Alpine White II styles
- Fixed Text and Curved Text does not display values from auto generated options
- Fixed Logic tab of dropdown options shows Red Screen
- Fixed Next Step Button Text Template not working with Default Layout - Column List
- Remove Unnecessary setting in the file upload option
- Disable autogeneration if autogeneration is off and no variants pregenerated
[3.10.7] 2020-NOV-02
- Added ability to use {{counter}} in Pregenerated Product name
- Added "Separate Order By Views" button for Custom Layers
- Added ability to remove panels (tabs) titles from the cart properties by switcher in the settings
- Added Auto Complete category
- Added Quantity category
- Added Alpine White Row theme
- Added .docx file type for validation
- Added ability to Disable the color selection of a custom character in the input option settings
- Fixed Date picker
- Fixed Font Family is not rendering on Safari browsers
- Removed "Clone This Layer Button" from layers generated by categories
- Fixed Cannot read property 'setSize' of undefined
- Fixed Error Cannot read property 'enabled'
- Fixed Application dies after clicking on edit option
- Fixed Endless uploading of images when adding to cart
- Fixed Total Price, Qty values with Calculate Fields category
- Fixed InputWYSIWYG Content editing in "Source" mode not working
- Fixed Order properties File Upload value
- Fixed File-upload validation does not work with empty array of allowed files
- Fixed Order properties with the same category names
- Fixed canvas not fit into preview size after remount
- Fixed aside panel disposition on Form/Layers switch
[3.10.6] 2020-OCT-25
- Added ability to disable loader scrolling to top by html-attribute 'noscroll' in #product-builder element
[3.10.5] - 2020-OCT-25
- Added Support of Font Size From Category with Dropdown and Text list for Text custom layer
- Added ability to insert any character (symbol) into text input
- Added Image Controls for display artwork custom layer
- Added ability to select file types for File Upload category
- Added Danish translation
- Added ability to set Pregenerated Product Name template in General Settings
- Added ability to disable technical information in the cart such as configid and producturl by switcher in General Settings
- Added expanding the functionality of the custom layer Display Artwork
- Fixed A bug with resetting the Advanced tab parameters in the Custom Layer settings
- Fixed translating messages with dynamic template for File Upload error popup
- Fixed Maximum Number Of Characters mus be integer
- Fixed sorting of select language dropdown
- Fixed: Curved Text Red Screen - TypeError: Cannot read property 'y' of nulFixed Options disappear if after the filter you open and save the "Reorder" function
- Fixed Problem with logic when deleting categories
- Fixed File Upload edit options red screen error
- Changed ConfigID product name template from "{{configID}}" to "{{config}}"
- Updated React to version 17.0.0
- Updated Konva to version 7.1.3
[3.10.1] - 2020-OCT-09
- Fixed Cannot read property 'id' of undefined in File Upload option
[3.10.0] - 2020-OCT-08
- Added New category - Additional price field
- Added Multiplier Render Quality tab in General Settings
- Added ability to working with weight: This consists of the weight of the original product and the weights of all options, taking into account their quantities
- Added ability to take base SKU from the original product or override it in the General Settings
- Added ability to enter custom name for autogenerated Customer's Product in General Settings
- Fixed bodyParser parameterLimit
- Fixed Reset layers method
- Fixed Default font in category
- Fixed Uploaded image file rotation
- Fixed Z-index for active custom layer
- Fixed Curved text curving issue
- Fix Line height for curved text
- Fix Curved text and font family from category
- Fix Default options bug after product reset
- Fix Auto select the option from user changes object (Text List category)
- Fix Svg support for file upload category
- Fix Loading chunk error in safari
- Fix Summary with text fields
- Fix getVariants/get method: filter only cpb variants product type products
- Fix creating Customer's Product if the variant in not founded: it must be created
- Fix variants generator work with autogeneration and without it
[3.8.2] - 2020-SEP-30
- Added "Description" field to options to display them as additional information
- Fixed a price of generated customer's product if the quantity is greater than 1
- Fixed adding, editing and deleting the custom characters
- Fixed blank tooltips should not render
- Fixed Red stack error - Cannot read property 'call' of null
- Increase custom font file size to 30 Mb
[3.8.1] - 2020-SEP-29
- Fixed The tooltip flies to the corner of the screen
- Fixed doubling images
[3.8.0] - 2020-SEP-26
- Added Bundle Builder Mode. Additional products that have been linked to options via SKU will be added to the cart. (see in SKU Management tab of Settings)
- Added options Quantity Multiplier. It means how many items the option includes. This affects the final price and the quantity of additional items that will be added to the cart in the Bundle Builder Mode. (see in option editor)
- Added category Quantity Multiplier. You can set a common Quantity Multiplier for all options in a category. (see in category editor)
- Added the ability to select values of another category as a source of Quantity Multiplier value. (see in category editor)
- Added Clear Options button to remove all category options. (see in options list editor)
- Added the ability to fill options with numerical values in the range you specified. (see in options list editor)
- Added Count Space as Character parameter in option settings
- Added Line Height parameter for text layer
- Added Upload image customization file rotation
- Added ability to enable search input for dropdown categories
- Fixed bodyParser parameterLimit. Products with more options will now save error-free
- Fixed custom character price in summary panel
- Fixed Red stack error - Cannot read property 'call' of null
- Fixed Wholesale input field onChange method
- Fixed Red screen when changing category wholeSaleOrder to qtyBreakdown
- Fixed Problems with Long monogram
- Fixed Deselect of multiple select category
- Fixed A double tooltip is displayed when using Multiple select
- Fixed Changing the visibility of category title
- Fixed available options list for panel and category dropdown with enabled "Select Font Family From Category" parameter
- Fixed changing Curved text font family with enabled "Select Font Family From Category" parameter
- Fixed red screen when entering characters that are not supported by the font for Curved text
- Fixed Custom characters are removed if you add custom font to global settings
- Fixed Problem with engraving fields and summary tab
- Fixed input-select-cateogry filename
- Fixed shopify menu z-index: it should be under the modals
- Fixed Everything is shaking in the preview mode
- Fixed Incorrect render layers generation from configId
- Fixed Red screen when type smth in any text monogram field field
- Fixed Default font in category
- Fixed Moving buttons for image layer
- Fixed Strange behavior of options
- Fixed values types for some options
[3.7.10] - 2020-SEP-15
- Added the type of character price change for Charge Per Character
- Added Portuguese + Japanese translations
- Added "Finishing" process to the generator
- Added close button to the generator
- Fixed Upload file category problem
- Fixed conditional logic (default options) for dropdowns
- Fixed limitOfSelectMultipleOptions input in category settings
- Fixed Update/Validate Input field value on Blur/Enter Keydown events
- Fixed Double click bug for thumbnails slider
- Fixed Autoplay bug on slide change
- Fixed Min/Max in General settings
- Fixed links applying to it's file upload properties
- Fixed Change views with "Select view to" in tab settings
- Fixed ability to click on the arrows
- Fixed "Go to ....." doesn't change when the real next tab changed
- Fixed generator text on some states
- Change Generator auto mode checkbox to switcher
- Update generator layout. Move autogeneration switcher to the top
- Fixed SKU for tooltips
- Fixed tooltips displaying for Multiple type options without icons
[3.7.9] - 2020-SEP-04
- Added support for "Multi Currency Checkouts+" plugin
- Added number of selected options limit for Multiselect categories
- Added Debug switcher to Variants Generator. You will be able to see debug information in the console
- Added stopping the calculation of the Variant Generator by execution time
- Added "Generate a custom product on each Add to Cart" checkbox to the generator
- Added SKU to templates of option tooltips
- Fixed Multicurrency bug with Intl.NumberFormat
- Fixed images in the Summary very low quality
- Fixed ability to choose out of stock option when it's loaded via configID
- Fixed variants generation: the Generator now respects the logic "AND". Now the number of possible variants is calculated more accurately
- Change message logic in Variants Generator
- Fixed variants count limit
[3.7.8] - 2020-AUG-25
- Fixed currency getting in quantity breakdown table
[3.7.7] - 2020-AUG-25
- Fixed Multicurrency usage as not component
- Fixed Multicurrency usage in options of type 'multiple'
- Fixed Bug with color option and required function
[3.7.6] - 2020-AUG-25
- Added ability to delete unnecessary product variants if the product has ceased to have prices other than the base
- Added ability to use input field with type integer
- Added OptionTooltip component for custom option tooltips with that works with Multicurrency
- Fixed ability of to update the product variants with only base price
- Fixed red screen when the base price is null
- Prevent the ability to enter fractional percentages
- Fixed floating point bug with price on creating Customer's Products
- Fixed checkboxes list wrap in logic of "One of..."
- Increased Summary image quality x2
- Fixed the generator must react to the change of the category type
- Fixed missing variants generation for categories with type "multiple"
- Revert Bold Multicurrency integration to working version
[3.7.5] - 2020-AUG-18
- Fixed availability of variant with price is equal base price
- Optimize price variant calculations
- Fixed extraneous categories activate synchronization of two simultaneously visible categories with the same sync tag: Synchronization should occur only for those categories that become visible
- Fixed displaying a user-selected option when showing it again
- Fixed generator prices difference check
[3.7.4] - 2020-AUG-13
- Fixed "Select View To" function in tab when some options are required
[3.7.3] - 2020-AUG-12
- Added correct display of options of type select in the list of options
- Added ability to select "Any" option in conditional logic
- Added ability to select "One of" options in conditional logic
- Added ability to append Combined SKU to Customer's Product
- Fixed Default Options not working for Image Thumbnail category
- Fixed Required panel notifier text
- Fixed Image resolution for Iphone
[3.7.2] - 2020-AUG-06
- Fixed Preview sticky and buttons do not work together
- Fixed: option doesn't pay attention to logic that includes color thumbnails options
- Fixed MultiCurrency: does not update price
- Fixed Preview Pixel Ratio For Safari
[3.7.1] - 2020-AUG-04
- Fix Lodash imports
[3.7.0] - 2020-AUG-04
- Added Inventory Tracking. It can be enabled in the SKU Management tab in the General Settings of the product, but it will also be enabled for all your products. In some cases, the application may ask for more rights. You can now attach each option to an existing product via SKU. To do this, go to the edit option, enter the SKU and click "Connect to Existing Inventory". After that, the display of this option will depend on the availability of the product in stock. Availability is verified when the customer opens the product page.
- Fixed MultiCurrency: does not update price for text layer
- Fixed MultiCurrency: the currency rate if default currency is different from currency "Bold: Multi Currency App"
- Fixed Error in console on update text layer
- Fixed Template customproductbuilder-initializer.liquid is missing css file
- Fixed all views to order properties passing: default view not displayed
- Fixed panel required return value
- Fixed Render resolution on Android
- Fixed Red screen when going to the next tab
- Fixed formatted price updating in the tooltip
- Fixed Multiple select options are checked by default
- Fixed InputSelect is not defined error
- Fixed Font style of curved text during initialization/update layer
- Fixed Vertical alignment for Monogram Field
- Fixed variants generation for type Multiple categories with uniform prices: cancel duplicates removing for this categories
- Fixed inventory policy for new created variants: now it will be 'continue' whick will allow you to buy it if its quantity is less than 1
- Fixed combined SKU in cart props if it's not tab separated
[3.6.10] - 2020-JUL-25
- Added Bold/italic/v-align features to layer text settings
- Added fixed text width field and word wrapping to text layers
- Fixed passing all views to order properties
- Fixed red screen error on switching to next tab
- Fixed By default, multiple categories are expanded on load
- Fixed checkbox "Add Next Step Button" hiding if "Disable Collapsible For This Category" checkbox is enabled
[3.6.9] - 2020-JUL-23
- Added Checkbox "Display All Views in Order Properties" in general settings
- Added Changing font family, font color, font size by categories in layer settings
- Added Default Text Value field in layer settings
- Added ability to change views by category options
- Added extra class name field to the category
- Added ability to hide some layers in final product image thats wil be added to the cart
- Added Pixel Ratio field to general settings for final product image and for additional printable image
- Added Curved Text custom layers
- Added Transform to uppercase curved/plain text by default. Added switch button to layer settings
- Added Fonts to Conditional Logic
- Added required field to Panel if it is enough that at least one option is selected in the panel
- Fixed Bug with empty value from option on app load
- Fixed Add to Cart error
- Fixed configID doesn't resurrect uploaded image upon CPB page load
- Fixed configID doesn't resurrect monogram text upon CPB page load
- Fixed Issue with charge per character
- Fixed bug with adding points to the path face in layer settings
- Fixed disabling gradient fill is not working in Curved Text
- Fixed logic in Text list options doesn't work
- Fixed Erase Problem in Text monogram and wholesale engraving
- Fixed Visual bug when select or deselect any option in any category
- Fixed Bug when changing curved layer color
- Fixed When changing the color of the text, the color of the strap is activated
- Fixed positioning and letters size in curved text layer
- Fixed Image Upload problem in Color Thumbnails
- Fixed Qty Breakdown Labels in table. Show Label instead of min qty of option only
[3.6.8] - 2020-JUL-9
- Added connection between Quantity Breakdown and Wholesale prices
- Added Range slider for Quantity Breakdown (checkbox in category settings)
- Added Result interactive table for Quantity Breakdown (checkbox in category settings)
- Added ability to turn off deselecting to Deposit categories
- Added class attributes to deposit amount
- Added other translations for deposit amount
- Fixed cpb-option-qtyBreakdown-text: remove img tag
- Fixed Bug when choosing a quantity in Qty Breakdown larger than the maximum allowable
- Fixed ability to set zero percentage in Deposit category
- Fixed Red Screen on switching tabs
- Fixed categories link for the same option selection: synchronize label text
- Fixed Sticky Preview smooth scrolling
- Fixed validation for Deposit category options without thumbnails
[3.6.7] - 2020-JUL-6
- Added method getTotalSku() to global object _cpb. Now you can use window._cpb.getTotalSku() in your scripts for getting current combined SKU
- Added Link Categories to select same option across different categories.
- Fixed variants generator for categories which have zero prices
- Fixed lodash imports
[3.6.5] - 2020-JUL-2
- Added Arrows for thumbnails slider
- Added selected deposit row to aside total price
- Fixed Stop video playing on slider change
- Fixed The "Next tab" button does not go to summary panel
- Fixed The next and previous tab buttons are hidden by default
- Fixed Font family by default not working
- Fixed The total price of charge per entered character for monograms
- Fixed First character in Text monogram field category not displaying in admin mode
- Fixed Multiple select icons disappeared
[3.6.3] - 2020-JUN-30
- Added the "Option Tooltip Template" field in category for types color/img/text/multiple
- Added Charge per entered character for monograms
- Added SKU to the Cart properties. You can turn it off in General Settings (in SKU Management tab)
- Added min/max input validation in admin and preview mode
- Previous and Next buttons is active by default
- Fixed Copying panels from one product to another stopped working
- Fixed too big image in Multiple select options (icon as value)
- Fixed Popup panel with required categories works incorrectly with agreement box
- Fixed it is almost not possible to erase all characters in input with "chargePerCharacter" param
- Fixed when buffer is empty and you are trying to insert - appears js error
- Fixed Error on insert with empty custom layers
- Fixed Min qty settings does not work
- Fixed Engraving Text Monogram Layers Repeat feature - red screen error
- Fixed "multiple" type category shown logic does not work
- Fixed The thumbnail is not displayed, but after saving, the thumbnail of the option is displayed in the list
- Fixed radio buttons on white screen in "engravingForWholesale" category editor
- Fixed Problem with options default value in Long monogram and Engraving
- Fixed text transform controls for "Font Family" categories not displayed
[3.6.1] - 2020-JUN-18
- Fixed Engraving For Wholesale: problem with (same text/diff text) modes
- Fixed Product page is unresponsive with a too many variants (admin mode)
[3.6.0] - 2020-JUN-12
- Added Combined SKU editor in Product Settings (General Settings). Each panel can display a composite SKU of its categories. You can customize the order of the categories in which these SKUs should be compiled.
- Added Clone button for Custom Layers
- Added "Multiply" blend mode for Colorize custom layers
- Blend with color-overlay feature renamed with "Luminosity" blend mode. This works as an appropriate blending method in Photoshop
- The mixing mode switch is now presented as a drop-down list, as there are now more than two mixing methods.
- The standard blending method is named as "Normal"
- Alpha Transparency is now renamed to Blend Strength, as it has nothing to do with transparency
- Options with a price of 0 now do not display the price in the cart as "(0)"
- Fixed Custom Layers render
- Renamed Price Percentage category type with Deposit Percentage
[3.5.6] - 2020-JUN-11
- Added global hooks for react-svg
- Fixed logic-engine for default options
- Fixed +/- texfield buttons not working
- Fixed Input Text fields are quite slow
- Fixed lodash import in layers calculator
[3.5.5] - 2020-JUN-9
- Added Price Percentage category type. You can set a payment plan by reducing the total amount as a percentage. In this case, the total_price parameter with the final price will be added to the cart. It works only in one copy per product.
- Added hidden label to Image Thumbnail and Price Percentage options that can be displayed by shop styles
- Optimized dynamic categories/layers generation speed
- Changed field labels in the option editor
- Fixed InputText maximum attribute
- Fixed engravingForWholesale layers update on qty-box changing in other panels
- Fixed Panel validation on tab change
- Fixed red screen errors caused by Image Thumbnail category
- Fixed global font delete bug
- Fixed bugs related to adding and removing the custom fonts
- Fixed problem with default check marks in new categories and new tabs
[3.5.4] - 2020-JUN-4
- Added Custom Fonts choosing in Fonts tab of Product Settings popup, at the beginning of fonts list
- Added ability to upload SVG to Image Thumbnail category
- Added ability to use function return instead of callback to saveConfig method
- Added "Cancel" button to Layers editor
- Added ability to filter layers
- Added ability to disable deselecting previously selected option for "Image Thumbnail", "Color Thumbnail", "Text List" and "Dropdown" categories
- Fixed min/max values validation of qtyBreakdown category, improved connection between their settings and options
- Fixed input-length validation with delay on blur
- Fixed Font Family category onChange method, add it's value to cart product properties
- Fixed categories showing/hiding by logic in admin mode
- Fixed resetting options in fontFamily dropdown on switching between Layers and Forms sections
- Fixed switching fonts in admin mode
- Fixed window._cpb.saveConfig method that returns configId, which you can use to generate a link to this product with saved choices by the user
- Improved compatibility with popular browsers
- Fixed IE/Edge support
- Fixed Firefox on iOS support
- Fixed other mobile browsers support
- Fixed resetting the scale/offset on nearest options changes
- Fixed large error temporarily when you adding to cart
- Fixed incorrect work of quantity box and options
- Fixed error throws on adding more than 15 options to category
- Fixed custom layers render with default options
- Fixed qty box counter bug and loader breakpoint for engravingForWholesale category
- Improved saving by sending data in one string instead of data separated by many params what fixes the "Payload too large" problem
- The first 95 options are now generated inside the original product
- Removed excess console.debug messages
[3.5.3] - 2020-MAY-21
- Added Quantity Breakdown category. Now you can set the price depending on the quantity of the product.
- Added Min / Max Qty allowed to add to cart setting.
- Added Custom Fonts selector inside product general settings
- Added ability to switch from pre-generated price variants to auto generated products at the checkout.
- Added Yandex.Browser and Vivaldi compatibility
- Fixed undefined category error on update layers
- Fixed supported browser validation
- Fixed Cancel action clears Global Settings after startup
- Changed variants generator text for cases with variant limit exceeded
- Changed Firefox compatibility version: 68.8.1
- Fixed image upload
[3.5.0] - 2020-MAY-21
- Added Global Settings feature. A menu with the Settings button now appears on the product list screen. These settings will apply to all products if they do not overwrite this. More settings will appear in upcoming releases.
- Added Custom Fonts feature. The first Global Setting was a list of Custom Fonts. Now you can upload your fonts in TTF format and give them a names.
- Added display of Shop ID on Products List menu for quick debugging.
[3.4.4] - 2020-MAY-20
- Added Colorize Uploaded Image feature. The uploaded customer's picture can now be colorized
- Added classes for 'Image Thumbnails' category
- Fixed url is undefined for option type "color"
- Improved image quality on Safari if the number of layers is less than 10. Keep the quality of the layers on Safari original if the number of layers is less than 5
- Changed the Startup order. Now shop data is loaded first
[3.4.2] - 2020-MAY-15
- Added creation of Customer's Product on Adding to Cart if the variant was not pre-generated
- Added the "Ok" button for some non-critical errors
- Added class names for quantity-box
- Added thumbnail upload area for "Color Thumbnail" category
- Added + / - buttons for collapsible categories title styling, disable collapsible for specific category
- Fixed render text alignment
- Fixed Font Family settings update
- Fixed edits for 'engraving For Wholesale' category
- Fixed nonexistent rules in logic settings
- Fixed rule error in settings if the panel is undefined
- Fixed Microsoft Edge compatibility: added Promise prototype onFinally polyfill
- Fixed: Default Value is set on other options when 'img' category is changed
- Fixed: Text monogram fields are reset to zero on select change
- Fixed nonexistent rules in logic settings
- Fixed logic engine for custom layers
- Fixed .png image upload
[3.3.5] - 2020-MAY-07
- Added a new category type combining Multiple Select and Image Thumbnail
- Fixed Custom Layers connected with Multiple Select work wrong (logic-engine.jsx)
- Fixed font settings in layer advanced panel
- Fixed Multiple Select and Dropdown category with icon value
- Fixed Edits for "Engraving For Wholesale" categories
- Fixed Collapsible categories
- Fixed categories validation on active panel change
- Fixed theme publish webhook messages
- Fixed preview arrows disposition
- Fixed layout on width less than 1000px
- Fixed adding to cart for a product without additional prices
- Fixed collapsible categories
- Fixed logic engine
[3.3.0] - 2020-MAY-04
- Added variants generator (button near SAVE)
- Added product_type="cpb_product" to new products created in CPB
- Added product_type="cpb_variants" to new generated products with pricing options
- Added connection between Color Thumbnail categories and Text custom layers: now you can change text color by this category
- Added Font Family category
- Added Font Size category
- Added copy and paste panels through buffer in General Setting
- Added disabling deselect previously selected option
- Added validation required categories on active panel change (added checkbox in Panel settings)
- Fixed IE11 compatibility
- Fixed price variants loading
- Fixed Main menu size ratio
- Fixed Default Settings doesn't cleared by categories logic
- Fixed display images for multiple panels on Summary tab
- Fixed Edits for 'engravingForWholesale' category
- Fixed correct prices for configId layers
- Fixed click on the "+" or "-" sign scrolls page to top
- Fixed multiple "Monogram Text Field" in one category show same text
- Fixed Dropdown default option shown as unselected
- Fixed wrong order of cart options
- Fixed many custom layers for one panel
- Removed variants generation on Save
- Removed theme publish webhook
- Renamed Custom Layer "Path" > "Display Artwork"
- Increased request timeout to 1.5 min
- Reduced collage width to 800px
- Reduced canvas pixelRatio for Safari to prevent memory leaks
[3.2.1] - 2020-APR-22
- Fix undefined preview and image objects on BASE_IMAGE_ADD reducer
- Removed unnecessary functionality from PreviewControls
- Fixed cart property price calculation for Engraving category
- Reduce deployment time: Remove unnecessary removed stores checks
- Fix undefined category getted by Default Options in layers-calculator
[3.2.0] - 2020-APR-19
- Added "Engraving for Wholesale" customization category. Now you can make order with different custom text for each item in a large quantity order.
- Added customizable Agreement Checkbox near add to cart button. You can customize it in General Settings
- Show base image upload on preview only if product have no layers (you still can upload base image through Layers tab
- Fixed base image upload bug
- Reduced release deployment time: removed unnecessary checks.
[3.1.13] - 2020-APR-7
- Added Wholesale Order / Size Breakdown Option. Now total quantity can be split between different sizes within one order.
- Added translation for "Quantity" field
- Added translations for loading and error screen
- Image Upload file size increased to 10Mb
- Fixed setting translation locale on startup
- Fixed red screen while deleting panel
- Fixed red screen when a disabled plugin mlveda multicurrency is present
- Fixed file upload error messages. Now the cause of the error is displayed again
[3.1.12] - 2020-MAR-31
- The background image can now be loaded through the layers list
- Fixed text rotation after product loaded
- Fixed ConfigID recovering from URL or hash parameter "configid"
- Fixed ConfigID saving when you adding to cart
- Fixed product deleting in products list
[3.1.11] - 2020-MAR-26
- Downscale text layers font size
- Removed "Save" button from layer editor. Now layers changes instantly
- Fixed red screen when you load product with empty base layer
- Fixed Bold Multicurrency plugin compability
- Fixed custom layers position and points saving
- Fixed text layer transformer frame
- Fixed getting actual product config, not from browser's cache
[3.1.7] - 2020-MAR-22
- Added ability to show/hide category title by icon on the left from title when you hovering it by mouse
- Fixed clearing next and previous options by category choose
- Fixed image deleting from preview when you delete it from Image Upload
- Fixed collage-style image in cart (Actual for new additions to the cart)
- Fixed Default Options, depending on each other logically
- Fixed product listing in CPB Admin for showing 300+ products
[3.1.4] - 2020-MAR-17
- Added helpful data-attributes to layers canvases
- Added more information to layers list
- Layers list now shows layers for current view only
- Fixed Default Options
- Fixed layer order after reloading if you have more than 10 layers
- Fixed options reordering
[3.0.0] - 2020-MAR-17
- Rewritten render module. Changes will now happen faster, creating fewer redraws. We are still finalizing it in order to eliminate all the shortcomings. Possible bugs.
- Colorized layers now use sophisticated color mixing instead of the usual solid color overlay. Now products with such layers look more natural.
- Added [no named] labels to categories and panels with empty title and options with empty label in layers editor
- Added new main menu to the Admin mode
- Dropdown option replaced with new one. Now the appearance of the dropdown list can be customized
- Added ability to cancel redirect when a customer adding to cart
- Added global variable cpbImageStorage to control images in the application with external scripts
- Added ability to add icons to Dropdown category options
- Added _productUrl parameter to product in cart
- Added loading screen when Shopify loading application
- Add AUTO CURRENCY SWITCHER integration to MultiCurrency component
- Add BOLD MULTICURRENCY integration for Multicurrency component
- Optimized and fixed app and data loads
- Modified getProductData to fetch json file directly from the cloud storage rather than api backend. Thats also required for the CDN to serve configs
- Refactored app initializer to avoid unnecessary redundant calls
- Removed browser DOM render blocking during the app init
- Added loggers and annotations to app and container controllers
- Created offline product view html page for the local debugging and testing with all the engines supported
- Reduced the bundle build time to 10sec locally
- Removed unused packages and imports
- Reduced app load and init time significantly
- Refactored Redux state
- Ensured interoperability of productView on all supported platforms
- Added fetch polyfills for legacy browsers
- Added error handling for the getEntityUrl methods
- Added new Loading component with status display
- Eliminated unnecessary renders of Aside component
- Added lazy load for admin layout parts
- Added Dataloader to the container
- Changed jQuery Ajax calls for data load to fetch API
- Upgraded React to 16.8
- Refactored backend server
- Updated npm packages; babel and webpack upgrade and reconfiguration.
- Fixed application layout. Preview side has now become more adaptive
- Fixed preview image resizing
- Fixed multicurrency switchers compability for Doubly Currency Converter, Bold Multi Currency and Auto Currency Switcher (mlveda)
- Fixed blurry preview on retinas and devices with non-standard screen scales
- Fixed shopify authentication for the application
- Fixed application installing
- Fixed applying logic to other options
- Fixed required fields validation: check empty inputs and numbers
- Fixed form clearing when you delete layer
- Fixed critical error when switching Layers editor tabs
- Fixed ‘multiple’ type category validation
- Fixed ‘text’ type category validation
- Fixed Default Options feature
- Fixed failure of the save function with too many parameters
- Fixed missing arrows for switching view
- Fixed collage alignment: make it to one vertical line
- Fixed help modal toggling
- Fixed most of the strict mode warnings for React Strict mode
- Layer color on mouse hover
- Save Configuration button
- Quantity category type
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