In case if you need exact information about the uploaded image (like rotation, coordinates and scale) you need to do the following steps.
1. Create new customization «File Upload.»
2. To Set this option correctly choose types of allowed files: png, jpeg, gif and svg and flag the checkbox «Add Edited Image with coords by User to cart properties» as it is shown on the screenshot. Don’t forget to press «Save.»
3. Create one option in the File upload customization. Name it as descriptive as possible.
4. Now create new Custom Layer and double click on it.
5. In settings choose a name for the Layer, Set «Type» as a «Display artwork», and in «Panel to select» choose the panel with «File Upload» customization.
6. Put the blue form on your product in the shape you need.
7. Move to the «Advanced settings and turn on the trigger «Get Image from File upload category». Choose correct panel, category and option below this trigger. Don’t forget to press «Save».
The uploaded image will be cropped in the shape of the image area. Here is how it will look in the end on the customer side:
Now when your customer sets Specific rotation, coordinates or scale to the image, it will be seen in the cart like this:
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