In Admin Panel Catalog/Product add a new product with a "Custom Product" type.
After adding the default product information fields in Magento - click save to enable the custom product builder panel.
After saving the product you should be able to see the «Configure» button.
Clicking on it opens up the custom product builder configurator panel.
Please watch the following video for a quick start on using the builder in Magento 2 for creating a product with monograms.
This is The Custom Product Builder Admin Interface.
Add a base image (It can be a background, an outline or the base layer of the custom product)
Create a New Panel:
FAQ: In a panel could there be only 1 element chosen (when I press another one, regardless of the category, it deselects the previous one and chooses the new one).
For example: see picture 1; if I press on the simple round black icon, could all the other be deselected automatically?
Inside of the categories edit menu, you can set up Conditional Logic and Additional Rules for clearing previous / subsequent options in the same Panel and other Panels.
Create a New Category:
Available Customization Types. Category Types:
Color Thumbnails:
Product options listed as HEX color thumbnails. (i.e: Colors)
Image Upload:
Allow customers upload and preview an image in a pre-defined position. (i.e: Logos, Artwork)
Image Thumbnails:
Product options listed as image thumbnails. (i.e: Collar Type, Diamond Cut)
Text Thumbnails:
Product options listed as text thumbnails. (i.e: Sizes)
Product options listed as a dropdown menu (i.e: Countries, Sizes)
Canvas Recoloring:
Recolor product component layers uploaded in grayscale on the fly using HEX. (i.e: Colors)
Text Monogram Field:
Allow customers to enter a short text w/ preview in a pre-defined position.
Long Text Monogram Field:
Allow customers to enter a long text w/ preview in a pre-defined position.
Multiple Text Fields:
Collect information from users without displaying it on the product. (i.e: Measurements)
Quantity box.
Time & Date:
Allow users to enter both date & time.
Allow users to enter time only.
Allow users to enter date only.
Clickable Preview Areas:
Highlight customizable areas on the product preview.
Create Options:
Set Default Options
IMPORTANT: To ensure the custom product categories / options / custom layers are saved properly – click SAVE CONFIGURATION inside of the custom product builder interface and then do not click SAVE inside of the magento product details part (it overwrites the information) So you can either edit product details information and use default Magento SAVE for updating it, or if you updating the custom product builder interface - Click SAVE CONFIGURATION inside of the builder interface and don't SAVE the base product.
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