Here we will learn how to create a product with the ability to paint different parts.
The video below describes how to create a custom product from scratch and let your customers personalize a product.
First of all, we need to add images* for all the views we need. To activate additional views, open the settings:
*Remember. Our plugin works with png images of the same size with transparent backgrounds. Recommended size for the PNG images is 1500px X 1500px. Squares work best in general. Each png image represents a transparent layer with the product component on the product preview. The software stacks images automatically – showing different product parts on top of each other. You can create a full representation of the product and offer a true ‘Build Your Own Product’ experience.
Please note that if you upload big images (for example 3500x3500 px) each more than 1 MB the custom product page will LOAD VERY SLOW and most likely the product won't add to cart.
So please use smaller images (up to 1500px). And the recommended size for the images is 500kb - 800kb.
Now we need to add our first step and option. In our example, the step will be called "Front Part".
Fill in the following fields
Title: any title, the more descriptive the better.
Description (optional): some additional information.
Option: "Single Choice" - "Color Thumbnails"
Now we need to create the choices for the corresponding customizable part.
We have prepared all the necessary pictures in advance.
You will learn how to do this in this guide: Preparing Custom Product Images
As you can see, the buttons "X", "Y", "B", "A" are now displayed in another color.
Generally, you just need to create an option for each customizable part and upload he imagges for the corresponding views/ parts.
Then, we need to create the second step (For the back part of the controller). The setup process will be the same. This time we are uploading the images to the "Back view" field.
You can also use a "Switch product view" option. This will let you switch between the views when switching between the steps.
For the second step (Back part), we are creating all the same custom options (Single Choice - Color thumbnails) and uploading the images. This time, there will be the images of the back view.
Some parts may be shown on both front and back view (For example, the body color). In this case wee need to upload to images to the both views.
This is the result:
IMPORTANT: To make sure the product categories / options are saved properly – first click SAVE CHOICE/ CUSTOM OPTION, and only after that the SAVE button at the top of the page.
If you still have any questions, please contact our support
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